They Find You

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Steve Rogers

Steve was in a movie theater trying to get caught up on pop culture and was watching the new Batman movie. Then a man came in with a gun and started firing thinking he was the Joker. (This is actually what happened in the Colorado shooting other than the Steve part) Steve ran up to the guy and tackled him got the gun away and pinned him down. Once the police arrived Steve got off the man and let the cops deal with him. No one recognized him because the gunman shot out the lights.

"You know, I always hated DC" Steve muttered to himself. He saw a woman with a child on the ground. It was obvious she was loosing blood. He ran up to he to try to help but she simply said,

"Take my baby. Her name is y/n. Please, I'm the only family she has left. Please" she whimpered. He took the crying child from her and rocked her gently. He saw the woman go limp.

A few hours later

He talked about what happened with the police and they agreed that since her dying wishes were for the child to go with him that is what must be done. He rocked y/n gently as he headed back home.

"I'll always protect you little one." He whispered before kissing her forehead light. "I will always protect you"

Tony Stark

Tony had gotten a call  to stop a simple bank robbery. He flew in and saw that the men had guns.

"Listen hotshot you can put down the gun before you have someones blood on your hands  or I can do it myself. The choice is yours." he says aiming his repulsors.

"Sucks to suck" the man say before firing at a woman. Tony tried to fly down to block the bullet but he wasn't fast enough. Rhodney came then and helped take the men away to the cops. Tony knelt down to the woman and she saw him and a spark lit. Tony recognized her from his "Playboy days" he gave him a weak smile.

"Take her, she's yours anyways." she says weakly. "Just please take care of y/n" she begs.

"I-I w-will." he stutters out. He looks down to you e/c eyes. The woman's body goes limp. "Hey babygirl, its okay, I promise I will protect you. Shh" he cooed the infant to sleep.


Thor paced the hallway nervously as Jane gave birth in the other room. Unlike on Midguard the father wasn't allowed in the room. Jane went into labor nearly 13 hours ago.

"Your highness. would you like to see your daughter?" the woman asked. Thor's eyes lit up as he heard the word daughter.

"I have a daughter?" he asks smiling widely. The woman nods. He rushes into the room where Jane in cradling their daughter. "Hello little one." Thor coos to you has he crouches next to the bed. "What did you name her?" he asks. Jane smiles to herself.

"Y/n, after a childhood friend of mine." she says.

"Y/n, I like it." he says. He places a gentle kiss on your forehead.

Clint Barton

Clint was on a mission to rescue survivors of a collapsed building. He runs in finding no survivors. He is about to leave and report until he hears crying. We runs towards the sound and uncovers a baby. She has a small cut on her head. He rocks her gently.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay, I'm here now." He coos to the child. The baby opens her eyes and smiles. She reaches a hand up and touches his nose. He talks into his radio, "one survivor found, and infant girl, h/c hair, and e/c eyes. Bringing her out now." He says. He carries you out of the building to have the paramedics look at you.

2 hours later

Clint stood in Fury's office with a question.

"Sir, I would like to look after the child I found in the building. Obviously her parents didn't survive so I would like to be responsible for her." He states. Fury contemplates it for a few moment before nodding.

"Ok, but don't let her interfere with your missions." He states.

"I won't sir." Clint assures him. As soon as he steps out of his office he bolts to the med-bay to find you. Once I located where you are he reads that they found your name.

Birth: y/b/d

"Y/n," he said out loud, "perfect"

Bucky Barnes

Bucky was on a mission with Steve to take down a HYDRA compound. When they got there Buck searched the room to find everyone gone but one baby in a glass box hooked up to wires and cords. Buck gently removed the cords from the sleeping infant and held her in his arms. Steve saw what he was holding.

"I think I'm going to keep her." Bucky says giving the little girl a kiss on the head.

"Buck you-" Steve started but was cut off my Bucky running out with her saying,

"NOPE SHE'S MINE NOW!" as he ran back to the quin-jet with you. "y/n, that's what I'll call you." he rocked you to sleep and sang a Russian lullaby to you.

Pietro Maximoff

Pietro was running around town until he stopped because he heard a wail and a cry from from an ally. He walked in cautiously to find a little girl wrapped in a blanket.

"Well hello little princessa. Where is you mama and papa?" he asks crouching down to pick you up. Your cries quiet down as he holds you against his chest. "Who would leave you out here all alone princessa?" He asks. "Shh, I'll be your papa now." He whispers. He presses a soft kiss to her nose. "I'll call you y/n" he walks out of the ally at normal speed not wanting to hurt you. He promised he would never speed anywhere while holding you. "Your aunt Wanda is going to love you y/n" He coos to you.

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