You talent

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Steve Rogers
Tap dancing
Really random but you were an amazing tap dancer

Tony Stark
You entered a drawing contest without telling your dad but he ended up finding out because, he's Tony Stark after all. When you saw you had won you heard someone whooping in the back and saw your dad sitting there with a look of pride on his face. You ran back and give me a huge hug. He had never been more proud of his little girl.

You are one strange yourself in the throne room when nobody was there. When  you finished the song you heard someone in the back clapping. You turned around to find your dad with a huge smile on his face.

Clint Barton
Sign language
Your dad taught you sign language at a young age because of his hearing disability. Surprisingly you picked it up very quickly and became fluent in a matter of months

Bucky Barnes
One day your dad walked in on you rapping "Love me or Hate me" by Sovereign Lady. He was impressed to say the least.

(I can actually do this whole song)

Pietro Maximoff
(If someone says painting and drawing are the same thing I swear to Odin!)
He walked into your room to find you painting on a canvas of New Mexico
It now hangs in your living room.

T'challa Udaku
You could so easily pick up languages your aunt Nakia was thrilled

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