Sam Wilson Catch-up

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How they find you
He was on his run and Steve kept running by saying,

"On your left" and it was pissing Sam off. Finally Sam had to take a breather. He sat down on a park bench and took a drink of his water. Then he heard a faint cry come from a nearby bush. He didn't think much of it until he heard it again.

He walked over to investigate and he saw a little squirming bundle of pink of pink of the ground. He bends over to pick you up.

"Well hello peanut. Who left you all alone out here?" He coos to you. You stop crying and giggle at him. Your tiny hand go's to touch his nose. He smiles and walks home with you in his arms. "I'll call you y/n" He says.

First word
Your dad was flying Redwing around the baxkyard and you were clapping your hands and laughing.

"BIRDIE" you squealed. Your dad turned to look at you and Redwing plummeted to the ground. Your dad ran over to you. He picked you up and gently tosses you up bouncing you.

"That's right Peanut, birdie" He said beaming with joy.



Zodiac sign

Pisces ♓️

First day of school

Your dad had found a local kindergarten to send you to. He walked you there and gave you a kiss on the cheek before you excitedly ran inside.

At the end of the day you ran into your dad's arms.

"Daddy!" You exclaimed.

"How was school peanut?" He asked walking home with you.

"It was awesome! I made a new friend!" You exclaimed.

"What's their name?" He asked.

"Miller, he's really nice." Ypu stated. Your dad smiled.

The next day he found that Miller was going to walk home with you guys because he lives on the way to your house.

When he saw you and a boy in a wheelchair walk out of the school he was confused. He walked up to help push Miller home. Miller was paralyzed legs down.

When they entered their house after dropping off Miller Sam asked,

"Why didn't you tell me Miller was in a wheelchair?" You happily responded,

"Because it doesn't matter. He's still the same person." And with that yuh went to your room to color. Your dad couldn't stop smiling.

God parents

God Mother: Maria Hill

God Father: Steeb Rogers

Your pet
You guys had a gecko named Liz

Your petYou guys had a gecko named Liz

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What they do when your sad
•hugs, lots and lots of hugs
•junk food
•Playing with Liz
•him telling you stories
• cheek kisses
•lots of "I love you's"

Your favorite picture of them

Dad jokes they tellHe just tries to use modern slang and it backfires horribly

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Dad jokes they tell
He just tries to use modern slang and it backfires horribly

Your talent
Really random but you were a really good whistler

Songs you sing together
Happy. By Pharrell Williams

How they wake you up
Dumping cold water on you

Contact names

Yours for him: Birdy Boi

His you you: Peanut

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