Peter Parker Catch-up

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How they find you
Peter was walking home from school when he heard a cry come from an alleyway. He carefully walked over to fins a squirming bundle of pink.

"Heya there squirt." He says picking you up. "Where are your mommy and daddy?" He cooed to you. He looked around. He found a note tucked in your blanket.

Whoever finds this, you can keep this worthless piece of scum. I don't want her.

Peter scoffs and immediately took you home. He was keeping you.

"I'll be your dad now." He lulls as he carries you home. "My Aunt Mae is going to love you"

First word
You were sitting in your high chair when you saw a daddy long-legs crawling across the counter.
You leaned forward and let it crawl on your hand.

"Whatcha got there squirt?" You dad asked as he walked over. You happily showed him you new friend. He chuckles and let the spider crawl off your hand and onto his finger.

"Spider!" You happily squealed. Your dad's face lit up.

"That's right squirt! Spider!" He exclaimed. He carefully set the spider on the windowsill before running over and holding you in his arms. He couldn't have picked a better first word himself.

Nickname for you

Zodiac Sign
Aquarius ♒️

First day of school
Your dad held you hand as he led you to your first day of kindergarten. He had to talk to the teacher about something making sure it was okay if you came a little early so he could get to school on time.

"Ok squirt go hang up your bag for me." He says giving you a kiss of the cheek. You run over happily to hang up your bag. Peter notices other parents looking at him and talking about how young he is and how 'the slut he knocked up must've left him.' He walks over and politely says,

"Listen, I got no one pregnant but I found y/n on the street at the age of around 1. I took her home and called her my own. I have successfully raised her for three years. I had the guts as a sophomore to take on a child and I have done so successfully. Please know the story before you jump to conclusions. Thank you."

He walks back to tell the teacher something came up. She understands and you and your dad go home. The next day you want to the kindergarten at MidTown high.

God Parents
Godmother: MJ

Godfather: Tony Stark

You Get a Pet
You and your dad loved fuzzy things. You were both big softies. One day you came of home a fuzzy ball of fur. His name is Barkley.

What they do when your sad•fuzzy blankets•fuzzy pillows •blanket fort•trash movies• "love you squirt"• "love you to dad"• cuddles•nose kisses•naps on his chest

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What they do when your sad
•fuzzy blankets
•fuzzy pillows
•blanket fort
•trash movies
• "love you squirt"
• "love you to dad"
• cuddles
•nose kisses
•naps on his chest

Your favorite picture of them

Dad jokes they tellHe Him: I just did a week's worth of cardio after running into that spider wed

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Dad jokes they tellHe
Him: I just did a week's worth of cardio after running into that spider wed

You: I swear- actually that was okay

Your talent
You loved building and designing new tech. Expecially for your dad's "internship" (you knew)

Song you sing together
King Kutua. By: Kendrick Lamar

How he wakes you up
Your a light sleeper, he kisses your forehead and your awake.

Contact names

Your for him: Spidey Boi

His for you: my love

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