2 | Getting That Graft On

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Caroline left after wishing the best to us islanders who happily gathered together, joking and making small conversations with one another.

"Fancy a chat?" Micheal asked me, I nodded my head, walking over to the day beds with him beside me.

"They look well comfy." I gaped, putting my hand onto the white duvet covers and pushing down to test the softness. After inspecting the bed, I sat down beside Micheal who was watching me with a smile.

"You have a better relationship with the bed than me." He joked making me lightly laugh.

"What can I say, it's fit." I played along making him shake his head as a chuckle left his lips.

"Right, so what do you do?" Micheal asked, lying on his side.

"I'm an interior designer, what about you?" I asked, smiling at his cute grin.

"I'm a firefighter." He stated. My mouth fell open a little.

"And here I was thinking you couldn't get any hotter." I said pretending to fan myself.

Kayla: I'm really glad that I'm coupled with Micheal, under that bad boy vibe he's actually a sweetheart.

"Kayla, come here!" Amy yelled, waving me over to her and Lucie as they stood at the entrance of the bedroom.

"Gotta dash." I said in a goofy voice before walking away from Micheal and towards the two girls.

Micheal: she's too cute.

(Anton's Pov)

After the girls all ran off to the bedroom, I gathered in the kitchen with Callum and Sherif. I took a quick glance at Micheal on the day bed with Joe before turning back to the boys.

"I'm gonna talk to Kayla but I can't have Micheal seeing." I started in a hushed voice.

"You fancy her?" Callum asked as he leaned on the counter.

"Who wouldn't, she's fit as." I said.

Anton: I'd be lying if I said I didn't fancy Kayla a little bit, like she's just so fit.

(Kayla's Pov)

Lucie happily squealed as she found out her bed was beside mine. From what I've seen of Lucie she's a nice girl and I can tell we would be great friends.

"So ladies, how's everyone in their couples?" Amy asked, lying on her stomach.

"Good, Joe and I have so much in common and he's a proper bev." Lucie exclaimed.

"Callum is really attractive but like he's too serious for me." Amber sighed and we nodded along.

"What about you and Micheal?" Yewande asked me.

"He's really nice and we just kinda click." I smiled as I played with my hands.

~ • ~

I was having a conversation with Joe, Yewande and Sherif when Anton came over. "Mind if I talk to Kayla?" The boy asked as he took a seat.

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