12 | Down

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After Callum basically confessed his feelings towards me, I wanted to be on my own.

Everything over the past four days gathering up and making me feel confused and tired. I wiped the tears that fell from my eyes as I sat and looked out over the terrance and at the greenery in front of me.

I turned my head to the door when I saw it open slowly to reveal Anton. "Hey, what's wrong?" He asked worriedly, sitting by my side and wrapping his arm around me comfortingly.

"Anton I don't know what to do." I said with a sigh as I wiped more tears away.

"What do you mean? Explain to me what's making you feel like this." He said, pushing my hair from my face.

"I just feel like I'm forcing something that's not there. Like I want to like him and I want to keep him happy but I can't do that when I'm not staying true to myself." I said making Anton nod along.

"Is this with Micheal?" He asked making me nod and then continue.

"He's just such a great guy and I don't want to upset him. Like it's the fourth day and I want to get to know everyone but with Micheal I feel like I'm hurting him by talking to other boys. I don't know." I confessed shaking my head.

"And then we have Tommy. I do fancy him and we do click. But I can't keep going back and forth from Tommy to Micheal, you know?" I said.

"Kayla I think you have to just focus on yourself at the moment. Sure, get to know Tommy and Micheal but just take a step back from everything and keep a steady mindset. Like honestly, you're my girl in here and seeing you so worked up over boys that are fighting over you hurts me. You always have a smile on your face and this is clearly getting to you and dragging you down." Anton said, rubbing my arm as I sniffled.

"I know but I just don't want to push people away by taking too long to figure out how I'm feeling towards them." I said making Anton lean his head against mine.

"See at the end of the day, the people who wait for you are the people who stay with you." He said making me laugh slightly.

"You're turning into Curtis with your quotes." I said making Anton laugh along.

"But it's true. Whatever boy decides to stick by you and wait for you is the boy that cares the most." He said making me nod.

"I know, you're right." I said with a small smile.

"What was Callum saying?" He asked making me pout a little.

"That he was attracted to me and wanted to spend more time with me. But I had to tell him I didn't feel the same and that I thought of him as more of my brother." I said making Anton bite his lip from trying not to laugh.

"I shouldn't laugh but it's tempting." He said making me shake my head with a smile on my face.

"You're terrible." I said making him laugh.

~ • ~

I decided to stay with Anton a bit more before heading downstairs and sitting on one of the day beds with Amy and Lucie.

"You okay, hun?" Amy asked me as I sat down.

"Just a bit down today but I'll be okay." I said with a smile.

"Aw why?" Lucie asked, munching on her apple.

"Just the whole Tommy and Micheal situation. Like I feel like I'm not being true to myself and I'm forcing something that's not there in order to keep Micheal happy. And then with Tommy I feel a genuine connection but at the same time I don't wanna hurt Micheal." I said making Amy shake her head.

"That's awful babe, come here." She said holding out her arms making me lay on top of her with her arms around my back.

"Don't worry about it Kay, we'll stay with you." Lucie said making me smile.

"Thanks guys." I said before looking out into the garden. "What are they doing?" I laughed as I watched Curtis throw punches at a pair of flip flops Tommy help up in front of him.

~ • ~

(Anton Pov)

After my workout session in the gym I made my way over to Tommy and Curtis who lay on the day beds.
"What yous talking about?" I asked, lying beside Tommy.

"The usual. Kayla." Curtis said making me nod.

"She was a bit upset earlier." I whispered as I saw Kayla walk into the kitchen with Amber and Yewande.

"Why? Is she okay?" Tommy asked, clearly concerned for the girl.

"She's better now but her head is fucked mate, honestly. She's not feeling it with Micheal but she doesn't want to upset him which is a bit shit but I convinced her to talk to him later about it." I said making Tommy scratch the back of his neck.

"Was she upset about me?" He asked and I laughed a bit seeing how worried he was.

"Not really. She did say though she feels a genuine connection with you." I said making Tommy smile and Curtis hit his shoulder.

"See, I told you." He said.

• • •

So there's still the decision of Micheal and Tommy and obviously I want to keep everyone happy but it's hard.

Anyway, thanks for reading :) x

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