22 | Danny

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After saying goodbye to the girls and getting dropped off at the destination I walked down the pebble path to see a small circle table occupied with a guy. "Oh hi, sorry I didn't see you there." He laughed standing up.

He was definitely tall, dark and looked like a very nice boy, like we all predicted. He was good looking and had a slim athletic build.

"It's okay." I laughed. "I'm Kayla but you already know that." I said obviously. He laughed and tried to pull me into a hug but I kinda dodged it and went for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Danny." He said and pulled out the other chair for me to sit on.

"Thank you." I smiled and shuffled in my seat. "So how was the date with Yewande?" I asked, genuinely wanting to know.

"Really well. She's a very attractive girl and we got on better than expected. But of course I also wanted to ask you for a date because I also find you very attractive and just wanted to see where your heads at with..." He said waiting for me to finish his sentence.

"Tommy." I said making him nod. "Well Tommy and I are going pretty strong, like we do like one another." I informed as I watched Danny pour us drinks.

"So do you think that you could still get to know me or?"

"I mean it is only the eighth day and there's no harm in getting to know one another." I said making him smile.

"So am I your usual type?" He asked as he stared into my eyes.

"I mean the typical tall, dark and handsome is my type." I laughed. "So you definitely tick some boxes." I said playfully.

"Oh that's good. You're my type 100%. Like obviously I've watched how you act in couples and how caring and loyal you are and that's what I'm looking for." He said making me nod along.

"Thanks." I said. "Does Yewande tick a lot of boxes?" I asked taking a sip from my glass.

"Definitely, yeah. So you do you though."

"Yewande is such a lovely girl and I think everyone is kinda just rooting for her to find someone." I said, avoiding everything he was saying about me.

"She is. But I think keeping my options open and getting to know other people is my best shot of finding love." He said genuinely.

"It's your earliest day in here like you've not even met everyone yet so it's definitely acceptable for you to get to know the other girls." I said with a smile.

(Amy Pov)

As we all waved Kayla off to her date, I turned around and walked into the villa and over to Curtis in the kitchen. "You know how Tommy thinks Anton likes Kayla?" I whispered.

"Yeah, what about it?" He asked as he took me to the side to sit down on the little bench.

"Well I think he might." I said. "This morning he made her peppermint tea and obviously it doesn't seem like a big deal but when you think about it he's always around her and always talking to her. I don't know if he's aware that he likes her or just not saying." I said as Molly came over.

"What's going on?" She asked as she rested her head on her hand.

"I think Anton likes Kayla." I informed.

"Oh totally." She said making me click my fingers at the facts.

"I don't think you should tell Tommy because the thing with Tommy is that he's a very big over thinker and he would just constantly be on their backs whenever their together. So for now, let's just leave it." Curtis advised making Molly and I share a look before nodding our heads in agreement.

(Tommy Pov)

I was lying on the bed with Barney, wondering how the date between Danny and Kayla is going when I heard the bedroom door push open seeing Yewande come in.

"Oh, you're back. How was the date?" I asked standing up and waiting for her at the outside door.

"Really good. Where's Kayla?" She asked probably noticing we aren't together for once.

"On the date." I informed.

"Oh okay. How're you feeling about that?" She asked, stopping at the door.

"I think I'm jealous but nothing I can really do." I shrugged.

"Honestly Tommy, I don't see her head turning. Danny is a great guy but I think her head is with you at the moment." She smiled making me smile and lean down and hug her.

"Thanks, Yewande. I think I needed to hear that from someone else." I said pulling away.

"I bet everyone has said that." She laughed as we opened up the door and started walking towards the garden.

"Yeah but it's better coming from someone who's met him." I said laughing along. "Look who's back!" I shouted grabbing the attention from everybody.

• • •

A lot of changes in Point Of Views, sorry.

Don't forget to leave some suggestions.

I feel so sorry for Amber and Amy 💔

Thank you for reading! Xx

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