8 | Catch Up

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After the chats about the dates, I made my way over to the swing with Amy and Lucie. "You okay, hun?" Amy asked me as we all sat down.

"Yeah, Fine." I smiled making Lucie hug into my side.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled making me put my arm around her.

"For what? You've done nothing wrong babe." I reassured.

"Are you okay to chat?" Joe asked from the small steps making Lucie sit up and mumble a, "yeah," before walking away.

"I think she thinks she's done something wrong." Amy whispered. "I think she thought you'd be mad at her."

"I could never put any blame onto Luce or be mad at her. It was Tommy's choice, she has nothing to do with that." I explained making Amy nod along.

"Are we having a girly chat that I can't join in on?" Curtis laughed as he approached us.

"Hi." Amy smiled, watching the boy as he sat down.

"I'll leave you two to chat." I said as I stood up from my space and began walking away. "Think I'm gonna have an early night." I informed making them nod.

"Well have a good sleep." Curtis said making me smile.

"Thanks, Curts." I smiled.

"Night gorgeous." Amy waved making me wave in return and head into the villa.

~ • ~

"Thought you'd ran away for a second." I heard Micheal say as he came into the changing room.

"I was thinking about it." I joked, rubbing off the last of my makeup with a wipe. "You need anything or?"

"Just wanted to make sure you were okay." He smiled making me blush slightly. "You going to sleep, yeah?" He asked coming more into the room.

"Yeah." I said as I threw the wipe into the bin and tied my hair back from my face.

"Can I get a hug then?" He asked making me roll my eyes playfully.

"You don't have to ask." I said before pulling him in for a very comfortable, long hug.

~ • ~

"Kayla." I heard from beside me. "Kayla, wake up."

I opened my eyes to see Joe peering over me. Sitting up slightly I saw the rest of the islanders getting ready for bed.

"What's wrong?" I asked tiredly, squinting at the bright lights.

"Lucie's sleeping on the couch." He said making me pull the covers away from me.

"Say no more my friend." I said making him break into a smile and quickly hug me. "Does Micheal know?" I asked as I stood up and took hold of my water bottle.

"Yeah, I already told him." Joe said making me nod. "Thanks Kayla and goodnight."

"Night Joe." I smiled before leaving the bedroom and walking into the living room to see Lucie wrapped up on the couch. "Fancy a spoon?" I said making her head prop up a little and a smile form on her face.

"Please." She smiled, opening the blanket so I could jump in.

Day Three

"How you feeling babe?" I asked Lucie as we both collected our mics and headed into the bedroom where no one was.

"So much better, yeah." She smiled happily.

"Good to hear and see." I said with a smile as we made our way into the bathroom to see Tommy and Curtis.

"Morning ladies." Curtis smiled.

"How was last night with Amy?" I immediately asked making those around me laugh.

"Good, yeah. She's a really sweet girl." Curtis smiled as I grabbed my toothbrush.

"You guys, honestly." I said making him laugh. Tommy left the room with Lucie making Curtis lean forward.

"How are you?" He whispered. "With the whole Tommy picking Lucie situation."

"I'm better than I thought. I thought he might've at least tried to speak to me last night but nothing." I whispered back. As I finished talking Tommy came back into the bathroom making me fall silent.

Kayla: there's just so much awkward tension and I don't really know why. Like I'm not mad or upset that he's chosen Lucie, I'm more upset at the fact he's not tried to talk to me or anything.

~ • ~

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After getting changed into a bikini I made my way downstairs, flipping my water bottle between my hands as I walked into the kitchen.

"You look so good in anything." Amber complimented as I stood by the sink.

"And you don't?" I said with a raised brow making her laugh slightly. "How's you and Callum? Still nothing?" I asked, looking between her and the bottle I held under the tap.

"Honestly, I forget he exists half the time." She said making me laugh loudly. "Like I get into bed and I'm like, 'oh yeah I'm actually coupled up with you'." She said making me laugh more.

We spoke for about an hour at the kitchen bench, munching on snacks as we did so. "I think we needed this you know. A proper little catch up." I said as I put a pretzel into my mouth.

"Definitely babe." Amber said with a smile, sipping on the water that we ended up sharing.

• • •

How was it?

What should happen between Tommy and Kayla?

Thanks for reading!! Xx

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