24 | A Lot Of Thinking To Do

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Sitting on the swing with Amy and Molly, Danny made his way up the stairs. "Can I have a chat with Kayla please?" He asked making the two girls stand up and walk off.

"You good?" I asked with a smile.

"Yeah. I haven't actually spoke to you since the date so just wanna see where your heads at." He said making me cross my legs.

"Well I think today I've realised that I do like Tommy a lot more than I thought." I said making Danny nod along. "But at the same time I don't see the harm in getting to know other people...as friends." I said slowly.

"Did you just friend zone me?" Danny laughed out making me smile awkwardly.

"I'm sorry." I exclaimed with a laugh.

"Honestly it's fine. I wouldn't want to come in the way of something good you have with Tommy." He said making me smile.

"Thank you for being so understanding." I said and looked over at the outside seating area to see Tommy, Anton, Curtis, Amy and Yewande all staring over. I looked away quickly before continuing our conversation. "So how is Yewande?" I asked with a playful smirk.

"Good. She's obviously very stunning and I do fancy her." He said making me grin.

"That's grand." I smiled.

"Want to get another drink with me?" He asked as he showed me his empty glass.

"Yeah sure." I smiled and began walking to the kitchen with Danny. As he was pouring us a drink I noticed Yewande walking over. "Actually I think I might go talk to Micheal. Thank you." I said making Danny nod. I grabbed my drink and started walking to the day beds.

"Hiya stranger, coming in for a cuddle?" Micheal asked as he opened the covers for me to join him. Setting my glass on the headboard I sat on the bed, pulling the covers over us.

"Saw you talking to Amber." I said as I wriggled my eyebrows making him laugh.

"I do like her. I mean she's a lovely girl and absolutely stunning." He said making me smile widely.

"I'm so happy for you. I do think that Amber has quite a hard shell but you could be the person to crack that. Honestly I've kinda thought about you and Amber before." I admitted making him laugh.


"Yeah like you guys would look fire together." I said making him nod.

"We would to be fair." He said making me laugh.

~ • ~

After getting ready for bed I walked into the bedroom to see Lucie on my bed with Tommy so I decided to just sit with Anton.

"How're you?" He asked.

"My head is fucked." I whispered and made sure my back was facing everyone else.

"How come?"

"I just feel like I've caught feelings too quickly for Tommy and I'm scared in case I get hurt." I admitted making Anton shake his head.

"But Tommy does really like you." Anton said making me shrug.

"We haven't actually spoke about how we feel though, like properly." I said.

"Just sleep on it and if you still feel the same as you do right now, come to me." Anton said and brung me into a hug. "Night Kayla."

"Night Anton." I mumbled and shifted myself from the bed.

"You okay?" Tommy asked making me nod my head with a small smile. I climbed into bed and just snuggled into Barney before falling asleep.

Day Nine

After waking up I headed to the changing room with the rest of the girls. "How was the chat with Micheal last night?" I asked as I pulled out a stool to sit on and took hold of my concealer in my makeup bag.

"Good. I do fancy him." She she as she rubbed her face with a wipe.

"Are you gonna tell him you like him?" Yewande asked making Amber shake her head.

"I'm gonna keep him guessing." She said causing me to laugh.

~ • ~

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~ • ~

After Amber and Yewande left it was just Molly-Mae, Lucie, Amy and I. "So how was your chat with Danny, that lasted quite long?" Lucie said.

"He was just kinda like yeah you're my type and I was like oh okay." Molly said making me stand up from the stool and head out. I decided to sit on a beanbag and just chill when Curtis, Amy and Joe joined me.

"So Joe has explained the situation that you're in and I'm here to give you advise and help you." Curtis said being his usual helping self. "You have to take into consideration how much Tommy got so worked up and worried that your head was gonna turn. I think that shows how he feels about you pretty well." Curtis said making me throw my head back onto the beanbag.

"I just dunno." I groaned. "I do really like him but I've never caught feelings this quickly for someone and it scares the shit outta me." I said and rubbed my eyes.

"You've got a lot of thinking to do." Joe said with a small laugh.

Kayla: I don't know why this is so hard for me.

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