3 | Sweethearts

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I stood up along with everyone else, making my way to the new boys. "Hi lovely, I'm Tommy." A tall, dark guy with beautiful blue eyes said as he brung me into a hug.

"Hiya, I'm Kayla." I greeted with a smile, pulling away I turned to the other. He had a very cute face and was very tall. "Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Kayla." I introduced.

"Curtis, lovely to meet you." He smiled as he pulled me into a hug before pulling away and turning to Amy.

Kayla: Tommy is definitely my type. Like, wow.

We all gathered around the fire pit, me at the very end and Micheal beside me, his hand on my leg. After getting to know their age, job and where their from, Amber started pressing for their types.

"Oh come on, you must go for a certain look at least." Amber said making them laugh.

"Personally I think it's all about personality." Curtis said making me 'aw' loudly causing a few giggles.

Kayla: Curtis is such a sweetheart.

"That's so sweet." I cooed. Curtis was definitely adorable and a gentleman but I feel like Amy and him would get along very well.

"Tommy, what about you?" Lucie asked.

"The same to be honest." He replied. I'm not sure if it was just me but his eyes definitely met mine for a few seconds. He's so gorgeous.

"Oh, hold on." Curtis suddenly said, taking his phone from his jean pocket. "I've got a text!" He said loudly. "Islanders, in the next 24 hours Curtis and Tommy with each couple up with a girl of their choice, leaving two boys single and vulnerable. #TheGlovesAreOff #ItTakes2ToTango." Everyone went silent before Anton raised his glass.

"Cheers to stealing our burds." He said making everyone laugh loudly. The boys all went off to the day beds minus Curtis and Tommy who went to the outside lounge area. The girls and I all went to the kitchen, Amy turned to me giggling.

"Tommy was so checking you out, Kay." She said quietly so only I heard.

"Forget Tommy, Curtis is literally for you. I found his eyes on you for at least a minute." I laughed making her face flush.

Kayla: I'm sorry but I can't stop imagining Amy and Curtis together already, like he's exactly what she needs.

"Tommy is a babe." Amber gushed, leaning onto the counter.

"Isn't He?" I said with a smile.

"Curtis is such a gentleman." Yewande said, glancing at Amy. "Wouldn't be a bad first boyfriend." She said making us laugh and Amy cover her face.

(Third Pov)

As Tommy and Curtis sat down, they let out a breathy laugh. "Not bad." Curtis said, clapping his hands together.

"Who do you like? Looks wise." Tommy asked the boy.

"The blondie, Amy. She's cute." He replied with a small smile. "What about you, anyone caught your eye?"

"Lucie and Kayla. Lucie is more cute while Kayla looks like a real woman. Proper fit." Tommy said making Curtis push him softly.

"They'll be fighting over you." He joked making Tommy laugh and glance in the direction of Kayla and Lucie.

~ • ~

"Is anyone confident?" Joe asked the boys in front of him.

"No, they're both nice looking lads." Anton spoke, looking over at the two boys.

"That Tommy has his eye on Kayla I think. I caught him staring at her a few times." Micheal said making Callum nod.

"I saw that too." He said.

"I'm gonna go talk to Kayla before he can." Micheal said standing up from the bed and rushing over to the kitchen as Tommy and Curtis stood up.

"I'm doing the same." Anton said bouncing to his feet.

(Kayla's Pov)

"Kay, fancy a chat?" Micheal asked me. I nodded my head with a smile, grabbing my glass of alcohol and heading off to the swing with him. "What do you think of the new guys?" He asked as soon as I sat down.

"I'd be lying if I said they weren't attractive, cause they are. Like Tommy looks my type but that is just based from looks." I said making Micheal nod a little to show his understanding.

"Listen, I obviously fancy you but it is still day one and if you want to get to know them, then go for it. Honestly this is all about finding love so don't hold back and just be true to yourself." Micheal said with a small smile. I smiled at his words and pulled the boy into a tight hug.

"Thank you babe." I whispered into his neck.

Kayla: Honestly, Micheal is such a great guy. Like I just want to hug him, he's that cute. God, why're all the boys sweethearts?

• • •

So there's a mix between Curtis, Micheal and Tommy. I think I'll do a vote and see what boy gets more I guess.

Comment any suggestions you may have, even little things you would like to see happening.

Thank you to everyone reading and voting, it means a lot. Xx

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