5 | Sliding Into The DM's

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We ran to the Challenge area, Yewande and I holding hands. There was a phone sliding into a pool thing. The boys went up first.

Anton went first, picking up the DM of 'I have only slept with one person.' He choose Amber after having a chat with the boys and the answer was revealed to be Yewande.

Joe then went next, reading out 'I have slept with 11 people but can only remember the name of 9.' For this Joe picked Lucie to kiss and the answer was revealed to be Amy.

Callum read out 'I rate myself a 10 out of 10 for looks, body, personality, humour and chat.' I was picked. We shared a kiss only to reveal that Amber was the correct answer.

Kayla: I'm a bit offended.

Micheal went up after Callum, me cheering him along the way as he rubbed lube onto himself.

Kayla: well, that was very attractive.

He came out of the pool and read 'I was once cheated on by an ex, so I slept with his brother.' He said making all the boys "Ooh."

"I think it's Kayla." He said with a smile as I made my way over to him. He held onto my face as we both shared a really sweet kiss.

Micheal: she is a really good kisser.

"And the correct answer was..." Micheal said, peeling back the small bit of paper. "Kayla."

After Sherif kissed Yewande it was Tommy's turn. I watched as he slowly poured the lube down his chest before diving down the phone. As he emerged I had to look away as he looked too good.

"I have seen over 100 different musicals multiple times." He said and then laughed. "Amy, fancy a kiss?" He said with a cheeky smile. They shared a cute little kiss before it was Curtis's turn.

He laughed before reading out the DM 'I called out my ex boyfriend's brother's name during sex.' He said. "I think it's Kayla." He said making me laugh nervously and walk over to him. The kiss was short as we both know that Amy was watching.

It was now the girls turn and Yewande was up next and kissed Anton which was correct. Amber then went up and read out 'I have had more than one threesome.'

She came over to us, "It's Micheal." I said quietly. "It's got to be."

"We think it's Micheal." Amber said before they shared a steamy kiss. We got it right as the answer was revealed to be Micheal.

It was now my turn, I poured the lube down my chest making Micheal whistle and Tommy clap. I could feel my face heat up so I quickly went down the slide and picked out a board. "My favourite film is 'the notebook'." I read out.

"Callum." All the girls whispered to me.

"I think it's Callum." I said with a cheeky smile making him walk up to me and give me a kiss. Once I pulled away a little bit, he came back in for it. We got it right as Callum was the answer.

"Did you see that?" I heard Tommy say to Curtis as I walked past them.

"What was that?" Lucie asked as I joined them. I just shrugged and continued to watch the game.

Amy then shared a kiss with Curtis which had us all clapping and screaming. The answer ended up being Tommy.

Lucie, Amber and Amy went before it finished and the girls won.

~ • ~

I was in the kitchen making myself a toasted bagel and cheese when I felt a presence beside me. I looked up only to see Tommy standing right beside me, watching as I buttered a cut open bagel.

"I think you should make me one." He said making me look at him with a raised brow.

"Oh really? I think you should make it yourself." I said jokingly making him laugh.

"Yours looks better than mine already though." He laughed.

"Cut open a bagel and put it in the toaster. I'll do everything else." I said. He didn't move making me look back up at him. "What?"

"I can't cut bagels." He said causing me to laugh. I held out my hand, signalling for him to pass me a bun, which he did. After I cut it open and placed it in the toaster I went back to grating my cheese.

"So the challenge was interesting. Learnt a lot of new things." He said looking out into the garden.

"Yes, we did." I said, glancing at the boy.

"So what was the situation with your ex and stuff?" He asked hesitantly.

"Oh, well basically we were dating for 2 years and I found out he had been cheating on me for a year with his ex, like on and off. So I broke up with him and his brother ended up dropping off some stuff I left at their house and yeah. Shit happened." I said making his eyes go wide.

"I would've done the same." He said after a few seconds of silence.

"What? Sleep with the brother?" I said with a smirk. He punched my arm playfully before laughing.

"You're too much." He said. I found myself staring into his eyes again. They were just so dreamy. "So like, what's your type then? Looks wise." He asked changing the subject.

"Tall." I said making him nod. "Dark." I said, a smile coming onto his face. "Nice hair, nice eyes, nice teeth, nice smile." I continued.

"I'm your type." He said cockily with a laugh. I rolled my eyes playfully before shoving him slightly.

"Yeah but that's only looks." I pointed out teasingly making him bump shoulders with me lightly.

"Fuck off." He said in between a laugh making me also laugh.

• • •

Two questions for everyone.

1) some people still want Kayla and Micheal so I'm doing another vote.

Tommy or Micheal?

2) and I'm still not sure who Tommy should pick.

Lucie or Kayla?

Also I will update this book Monday - Friday at 10:00/11:00pm

Thank you for reading, hope you enjoy! Xx

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