20 | Tower of Truth

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After a bit of dancing we all headed to the fire pit where blocks were stacked up on top of one another. It was basically a game of jenga but called the tower of truth. Up first was Molly and Sherif.

"Have you ever ghosted anyone?" She asked from the block she held.

"Yeah." He casually answered making every erupt into laughter. "I have, like it happens." He laughed. After Micheal and Yewande it was Me and Tommy's turn.

"Have you ever done a strip tease?" Tommy asked making me flush.

"Yeah." I laughed out making everyone go crazy.

"Go on girl!" Joe shouted making everyone laugh more. After finding out Joe has had four one night stands, it was our turn again with me asking the question this time. After picking out a block carefully I read out the question.

"Have you been turned on by me yet and if so when?" I asked with a smile.

"Of course I have." He said making everyone laugh. "And like everyday, you have a banging body and you walk around in this little bikini like of course I'm gonna get turned on." He shrugged making everyone laugh and me cover my face.

Anton ended up making the tower fall meaning the game was over. Everyone wandered off in their couples and I was sat on one of the lounges with Tommy in front of me, both hands resting on the side of my thighs.

"So apparently I turn you on." I said teasingly making him smile.

"And apparently you've done a strip tease." He said making me laugh and hide my face with my hands. "I better get one of those." He said with a smirk.

"Only if you ask nicely." I said with a wink making his face fall.

"Wait really?" He said Seriously making me laugh.

~ • ~

After my talk with Tommy I moved over to the swing with Anton. "How're you?" He asked as we sat down.

"Really good, yeah. Oh, I seen you talking to Molly, what was that about?" I asked with a little smile.

"I do find her attractive and she is a lovely girl but I don't know." He said with an unsure face.

"Come on Anton, go for it. She'll be daft not to fancy you." I said as I lightly punched his arm.

"You think?"

"Of course. You're a good looking guy, you're funny and older, which she likes by the way." I listed, holding up my fingers as I did so.

"Right, I'll have a chat with her." He said making me smile.

(Tommy Pov)

I was on the day beds with Curtis and Amy when I saw Kayla and Anton pass us as they walked over to the swing. "Every time I go away, it's like he just sweeps down." I said to the two in front of me.

"Is it annoying you?" Amy asked.

"It never did before and I don't know if it's because I'm actually in a couple with her or what like." I said frustrated, continuing to take glances at the two.

"Tommy thinks that Anton might possibly like Kayla." Curtis said making Amy think for a second.

"I mean it is possible." She said. "But Kayla does like you and Anton, in her eyes, is just a friend."

"It just pisses me off like I'll never stop her having male friends, obviously, but if they have feelings for her then that's a different story." I said as we watched the two stand up and share a hug before walking down the steps.

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