Chapter 15

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"Have you found her?" I asked looking into the mist he created.

"It seems your vampire friend was right. She is in a warehouse by the docks," he replied.

"Lets go then."

Izzy grabbed my arm. "Wait. You can't just barge in. We need a plan," she said and let go.

"Izzy. I have to get her back."

"We will," Magnus said, "But he is very powerful. We have to think about this."

"What do you have in mind?" I asked.

"I know," Izzy said, "We can get magnus to open a portal, we get everything ready for the banishment and lure the demon out there and boom! Eternity in Hell."

"You make sound easier than it probably will be," Simon said.

"You won't help with the banishment," Magnus said, "You will get Clary out of there."

"Let's go," Jace said

I sat there tied in chair. My body kept wanting to doze off but I force myself to stay awake.

"Clary?" A familiar voice filled the room.

"Simon?" I said and he rushed over to me and began untying the knots to the rope, "how did you find me?"

"With the help of Raphael and Magnus Bane."


"He is helping the others banish the demon," he said and pulled me out if the chair.

I grabbed his shoulders and stopped him, "We have to help!"

"Clary, my job is to get you out if here," he said.

"We have to help them!" I fought. I had to make sure that they were ok. I couldn't just run away while they fought for me either. I'm not that kind of girl.

"I promised Alec that I would get you out safely," he said and tried to pull me to the door he came in.

"Yeah, out safely. I going to help them!" I shouted and ran the other way.

"Clary!" I heard him shout but kept running despite my exhaustion.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't my favorite group of shadowhunters," the demon said, "what brings you here?"

I stay silent as Magnus began the spell. Izzy, Jace, and I had the job of keeping him within the spells reach.

"You came to send me back? I'm hurt," he said as he threw a fire ball at Izzy, "and after I kept your girlfriend safe, Alec." He threw another at me.

"No!" I heard coming from the direction of the warehouse. A large golden glow came from the voice.

It was so bright that is was blinding. Then it all focused on the demon. He started shrieking and a huge crack in the earth formed underneath him.

"I will be back!" He growled at us as he was sucked into the crack and it was sealed back up.

When the light died down, I looked over the see Clary standing there smiling. I ran over and she jumped into my arms. I swung her around with her arms around my neck. "I love you," I said.

"I love you too," she said and kissed me when I sat her back in the ground. Izzy gave her a hug and Magnus waved at her. Clary waved back and thanked him for helping us.

"It's been a long day. Lets go home," Izzy said.

"Yeah, home." Clary said and Magnus opened the portal.


Hey guys!! Sorry I took forever. I feel like all I do is apologize to all of you.

Anyways, hope you like the story. Tell me what you guys thought in the comments. I can take the criticism, I promise.

Thanks for reading and I love you guys!

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