Forever Your Dragon-Slayer

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We four possessed a great potency for wonderment,
magic and blissful mayhem.
A coven of loveliness, fresh skin, and stubborn optimism.

You made my youth memorable.

You made my second decade rich with midnight laughter
and afternoon tears.
With blueberry tea, turkey sandwiches,
torrid love affairs with fictional characters
and long dead men on black & white screens.
Tequila shots and cherry vanilla pop.

You hold my heart.

My mysterious, midnight blue sister with eyes full of the abyss.
My little greenwitch, gentle child who transcends time.
My golden headed, scarlet soul with her keen aim and arrow.

I will be your shieldmaiden until the end of my days, 
forever your dragon-slayer.

My forever loves. My fellowship.
In my mind, we are forever seventeen.

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