"She Is Probably Really Hurt"

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Maya's POV

Everything went black for a second. When I fully came to the dash read 11:27 pm when we were hit it was somewhere around 11. Although I didn't appear to have any internal injuries, with how long it had been, Andy could be in bad shape if she did. I looked at Andy who was face down on the dash. she had slide partially out of her seat belt, and I could see blood pooling near a cut on her face I started thinking out loud,

"She been unconscious for 30 minutes, and at some point, she slipped out of her seat belt, so she is probably really hurt" I was nearly crying, after all, I was driving I mean maybe I could have moved over one side more and she wouldn't have been hit as hard. My hand shook as I moved to check for her pulse, she was my best friend, and it was one thing to think I was the reason she was this hurt but I don't think I could live with my self if she was dead.

Once my hand was on her neck I could feel a pulse. There was no way I could examine her where she was though.

I carefully moved to the back of the aid car, while doing so I could tell my leg was deformed and broken.  After picking up a bit I was able to set up the gurney in the back. I moved on to moving Andy into the back. I lifted her limp body up as tears rolled down my face, and moved her on to the gurney. 

I lifted her shirt to examined her, as I began palpating her abdomen she began to mon in pain.

Andy's POV

I started to come too and felt someone moving me. I figured it was probably Maya. I couldn't hear anything or see anything. When she began examining me everything came to, then out of nowhere everything started to hurt. I began to mon due to the excruciating pain in my leg and abdomen.

"Andy are you there" Maya's voice was shaking

"I'm here" I mumble

"I've got you, okay," she said

"How am I looking"

" I, I think your bleeding internally and your leg feels pretty deformed as well," she said

"ok, how are you looking?" I asked

"I think I probably have a concussion and possibly a broken leg" Maya said

"ok, what is our plan until help arrives?" I asked

"I'm gonna start you an iv and give you fluids, whoever hit has probably called 911 and hopefully help will be here soon, I would try to go outside but my leg is really painful and I am sure it is to steep to even try climbing" she answered

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