"Your gonna be okay"

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Andy's POV

"How are you feeling?" Maya asked

"My breathing is becoming harder and my whole body hurts," I said

"Okay well, here is some O2, but everything else is scattered, I wish I could help you more" Maya answered

"it's okay, this helps a little" I added

Maya's POV

I hated that I couldn't help Andy more. she was getting worse we both knew why her breathing was harder and that without help soon, she would only get worse.


"what is that," I asked

"It sounds like the jaws of life," Andy said

just then the door popped open, Jack and Vic stood in front of us with pale faces

Jack's POV

I didn't know what to expect when opening that door they could be dead or still unconscious or they could be just fine. I clung to the hope that they were just fine. when we open that door I went blank Andy was in rough shape she was struggling to breathe and clearly in a lot of pain, and Maya was doing better than Andy but I could tell Maya was trying to hide her pain.

"how are you?" I asked them

"I just got a broken leg, but you gotta help andy, just get her up there," Maya said holding back tears

" It would be easier to sed you up first so, Me and Vic can go with Andy," I said

"Ok," she said

we hocked her into the portable gurney and sent her up.

Maya's POV

I only let jack send me up first because he was right and Andy needed all the help she gets. As I went up the embankment the pain in my leg was getting worse but I didn't make a noise i wanted everyone to help andy and if they thought I was okay then they'd focus on her. once I was up there they put me on a gurney, Ben saw right through my pain he knew I was hurting, but I told him to have someone else work on me so he could help andy.

"Okay, but if you start to notice any other symptoms tell someone," he said

" I know," I said

Vic's POV

Pulling Andy up was Heart Braking she screamed almost the whole way, she was in so much pain and we couldn't help her until we got the top. Ben ran over to us.

"Maya said she's in bad shape is there anything I can do here?" ben asked

"no, we just need to get her to the hospital fast."

Maya's POV

"how are you doing?" Sullivan asked

"I'm fine, but I need to be with andy, her dad is not here and this is my fault so I just, can I ride with her, I'll sit on the side and hold her hand, she's just my best friend and I need to be with her" I pleaded

"Normally I'd say no, proto-call in all but you two have been through a lot tonight, you may sit with her, what you said about this being your fault is wrong the driver in the other car was drunk, this is not your fault, okay " Sullivan answered

"Okay," I said

"let me help you get in there before they leave" he added

Sullivan helped me into the aid car and explained to Vic and Jack that I was coming. As I reached for Andys hand she grabbed mine and squeed it.

"Maya," she said


"I want my dad," she said in a voice that sounded scared

"he is at the hospital waiting for you, okay you stay with me," I said

"I'm scared I think I might die," she said faintly

"it's okay I'm scared too but I am here so just keep holding my hand, We are almost to the hospital," I said

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