"A guy should Alway Protect any girl"

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Jacks POV

I didn't tell Andy how bad the fire was. It was a large apartment. Me and Vic were sent the top floor to clear the floor. Once we were up there we could see the smoke thickening. We had nearly cleared the floor when we came across a child's room. I could hear a faint "help, please, someone, please"

"Vic do you hear that?" I asked

"Yah, we got to get in there" Vic replied

As we walked into the room there was little visibility. Vic and I stayed close together, as we neared the center of the bedroom we could see the girl.

"Please help me," she said

"My name Vic, this is my friend Jack. We firefighters, okay. Can you tell us what hurts or why you couldn't get your self out" Vic said to the girl

"My name is Emmy, and my leg, my bookcase feel on it." the little girl said

Me and Vic both turned our heads to see a large meddle bookshelf on her leg,

"Can you help me, Vic, it really hurts?" Emmy said as tears rolled down her face

"Emmy, we are gonna get you out of here. Me and Vic are really strong and we're going to lift this shelf up and get you out, while we do that can you talk to us. Like how old are you, what's your favorite tv show" I said

"I"m 8, and My parent let me stay home alone for the first time, just like 25 minutes they had to run a get some food. I was watching some tv and I got up to get a snack. Then there was just a loud sound and then the shelf fell." Emmy answered

"Let's lift on the count of three, 1, 2, 3," I said to Vic

As we lifted the shelf, we could see that her leg had been crushed. Just then Sullivan's voice came over my radio, the sound startled Emmy.

*Gibson, Hughes the building is verging on collapse, get your asses down here right now*

Vic can you check her leg and get her ready to move, I am gonna go in the other room and talk to Sullivan.

"We're gonna be a minute, we've got an alone 8-year-old little girl, so could you watch Your language," I said into my Radio

*get yourselves out of there ASAP, we'll have a medical team ready for the girl when you get down here*

I walked into the other room where Vic and Emmy were

"are we ready to go we got to get down there and soon," I said

"Yah her leg crushed we're gonna have to carry her," Vic said

Before she could finish I had picked the girl up as if she was my own and we started walking to the stairs. Once we started walking Down the stairs. Me and Vic could tell the building was going to collapse soon. Emmy clung tighter to me with each step I took. As we reached the fourth floor out of ten, I looked at Vic and made the Call

"We need to sit down protect Emmy this building is going down and we're safer sitting"

"I agree," Vic said

As we sat down Emmy asked

"Why aren't we going down anymore?"

"It's safer," Vic said

As we sat down Vic started to undo her turnouts

"What are you doing?" I asked

She ignored me and proceeded, once she had the front of them fully opens she asked the little girl to sit on her. Vic helped cover the girl in her turnouts and I leaned over them protecting the Emmy from falling debris.

"I'm scared, I want my mommy and daddy" Emmy cried

"I know, your parents are waiting outside for you, so be brave for them," I said

"Emmy, for now, pretend me jack are your parent you can say anything we will listen, and we care about as much as your parents do so trust us when we say we are gonna get you out"

Just then the building collapsed.

Vic's POV

When a building Collapses everything falls on you yet at the same time your falling on everything. Everything is load as can be until everything is on the ground. Then there the scariest 20sec of your life everything is silent, you can't hear you self breath, you wonder if your even breathing, you wonder if you're even alive. Then comes the Noise again, a feeling of relief rushes tough your body, followed by pain caused by the building that weighs more than you could even think of on top of you. Your friends outside are trying to find a way to get you, but the only thing going through your mind is how long before your crush injuries kill you.

"Vic" Emmy says in a shaking voice

"I'm right here," I say

"are other firefighters gonna get us out?" She asked

"Yes they are," I say as I reach for my radio I figured I would only get static but to my surprise, I was able to connect and speak to Sullivan

"Emmy, I'm gonna call one of my firefighter friends and tell them where we are so they can help us out," I say

"Sullivan, this is Hughes," I say into the walky

"Hughes, are you okay? hows your victim? Hows Gibson?"

"I'm good as far as I know, Emmy seems to be doing fine, and Jack is unconscious I think he took most of it, he was covering us when it fell to protect Emmy from falling debris."

"What was your last location?" Sullivan asked

" 4th floor north stair casts"

" there doesn't appear to be much debris in that area we should be able to get you out soon," Sullivan said

About 10 minutes later they got us out. Jack started to wake up as they got him out, he was surprisingly ok. I was fine and Emmy was all good besides her leg. Once I was out Travis ran over to me,

"oh my god, I thought you were dead." He said in tears

" I would never" I joked as he loaded me into the aid car. Once we at Grey-Sloan they treated us for smoke inhalation, and let us go see Andy and Maya. By this time Maya was already out of surgery but not awake yet. As we walk into the room. still covered in dust. Andy said

"You look terrible" fighting back a smile

" sorry I was late" Jake said

"Sullivan was already in here he filled me in, and honestly I'm a little mad-"

"What," Jack said

"That I wasn't there, I mean Vic Sullivan said you undid your turn out to shelf the Girls body, I mean not gonna lie wish I were you," Andy said laughing

" don't forget jack who lay on top of her to protect her from falling debris," Vic said

"I would have done it even if it were just you and me," Jack said

"Really" Vic responded

"A guy should always protect any girl," Jack said

"Hey, stop flirting with other girls jack"

Everyone turned to see Maya smile

"Your awake" jack said

"I am," Maya said

" I'm sorry I wasn't here, I really wanted to be with you" Jack started

"Its all good by the looks of you right now, I'd say you have a pretty valid reason," Maya said

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