"What is he up to?"

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Maya's POV 

"Jack, my house is that way, "I say pointing left as we keep going straight. 

"Hold your horses we're taking a detour" Jack replied laughing. 

"This better not take long" Andy mocked sarcastically. 

We keep driving another block or two before turning into the station parking lot. I didn't know Who was one shift today, but I could see Vic's car next to the spot where I normally parked mine. And Travis on the other side of hers. I spotted Sullivan, Dean, and Ben's also. 

"What are we doing here?"Andy questioned "and also thank you I've missed this place" 

"I just need to pick something up, you guys should come in though" Jack answered.

It took Andy and I a few minutes to get out of the car. Jack waited and Helped whenever possible. Once we were out of the car and situated we started hobbling on our crutches to the door. 

"So what did you need to get in here?" I asked jack still remembering his face when he was at the hospital. I could tell he did something, because of the way he tried to act chill. However, past his bad acting, I could see his excitement. 

"Just some stuff" he replied, still trying to use his truly horrible acting skills. 

As we inched closer to the door Jack ran ahead and held it open. Once we were all inside Jack ran ahead and went up to the stairs. 

"What is he up to?" Andy asked me quite enough that he couldn't hear

"I don't know but its something" I answered, as we head to the elevator.

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