Jealousy part1

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Warning ! Sexual scenes.

Hinata ran down from kakashi's apartment. Her heart was twisting in pain, this is the second time being rejected.. yes.
The first time was when she told naruto she loves him, but he told her he loved sakura and can't reciprocate her feelings.
However,  naruto luckily found Ino interesting and those two god knows that they won't end up together,yet they did. Which was pretty surprising for those around her.
Now its kakashi. Hinata was devastated, however such relation was doomed anyways.
But as a girl, she didn't want to believe, she saw everything colored and she was always hopeful just to get her self broken down to shattered pieces.
Hinata wiped some of her tears. She knew that feelings to kakashi she must dismiss.
She must focus more on her development and training.
Hinata went to the training ground knowing that kakashi will never ever show himself.
Now she ruined everything. He won't carry out the training.
Hinata sighed and started throwing some kunai's and developing her chakra points.

Kakashi took a shower and cursed himself for losing control. Hinata surly can make any male lose control.
Hinata was undeniably beautiful, yes... he can't deny that, she was actually more curvy and sexy, than any other female in konoha.
But if kakashi thought about her that way, then its purely lust. But hell no, what caught his attention wasn't the gentleness hinata has, which kakashi knew that sasuke was captured under her web.
Everyone can see how his eyes shined when looking at the Hyūga. But the Hyūga was too naive to notice.
He even convinced her that they were 'best friends' but as kakashi always told his student.. 'best friends my ass'. But actually what caught kakashi was her determination, her strength, her willingness, her ability to develop, even she used naruto as an inspiration to get stronger, her team to not be a burden but to help.
He knew that many called her weak, useless and worthless, many bullied her, yet she still can forgive and out-stand, she even protected naruto from pain, knowing she wasn't even close to his level, the is the ultimate bravery and strength, strength was never physical, but mostly mental and emotional to get over the stresses and obstacles, and hinata was that.
She captured many people's heart yet she never knew. Too dense to know.
Kakashi sighed. He doesnt know how longer can he hold himself from the Hyuuga.
He put on his mask and headed to the training ground.

Kakashi reached the training ground to see hinata was training. He was impressed, she had discipline.
"Oi.." he said
"Sen..sensei.." hinata asked confused, she thought he wouldn't come.
"I see you are progressing..." kakashi retorted.
"Hai..." hinata said
"Lets spar.."
They sparred and kakashi was overwhelmed on hinata's progress, in few weeks maybe she can surpass many.
"Oi, get water and five minutes rest" kakashi said as he threw her  a bottle of water, and they sat down by the tree branch.
Hinata wanted to cut the tense, during sparring her mind was focused on her goal, but now, she can feel sexual tension.
She decided to be brave and be straight forward and ask about the incident.
"S.sensei..." she started
Kakashi gave her a look.
"Uh..i, mean..what happened.."
But kakashi cut her shortly.
"What happened? Nothing happened between us..hinata.." kakashi said coldly, and his words fell on hinata like thousands of daggers. Maybe millions, first he kissed her, then now he is denying what happened as if she was a toy.
Hinata fought tears she'll never ever let her tears fall again, enough tears were shed on naruto.
She gulped.
kakashi though he had to tell her that, but the pain he felt while saying those words to hinata felt like burning in the inside.
But he has to, he is her sensei now after all, even if she is an adult now, being nineteen, but such relations are condemned in konoha.
Both finished training and hinata went back off to the uchiha residence. She needed sasuke to sooth her aching soul, but then she remembered he was on a mission.

As hinata walked back to the residence, she tried to get her mind off how kakashi kissed her, how they both talked in the previous days, how she told him her secrets things were only meant for sasuke to hear.sasuke..she thought, she remembered their mission while he was atoning and she had to follow him as a comrade to aid him, at first sasuke was much more cold, but hinata's aura was contagious, soon sasuke opened up for her and they became close, even best friends, hinata grew fond of sasuke and a romantic feeling grew inside her, but she dismissed it, because she knew, sasuke will never love someone like her.
She is no special. Maybe sakura is.. to sasuke. Yet hinata is so dense.
She dismissed it and choose to be by his side even as a friend, so he won't be far away. She learned to suppress her feelings, now she is in love with kakashi. Hinata liked  to fall for the hard guys to get, but who can control who he loves.
The answer is no one.
Hinata reached the uchiha residence, she wanted to have a warm bath, her muscles are sore.
A hawk came with a message, must be sasuke, he always message her about the news. It says he'll not come today, the mission will take longer.
Hinata sighed. She sent him a hawk to take care and come back as soon as possible, she needs to talk to him.
Hinata laid down on the couch, she was wrapping her naked body with a towel, and started to dry her beautiful long silky inky hair.
She put then panties and one of sasuke's shirts. Her breasts are hurting her because maybe she was near her monthly period.
Hinata went to the kitchen to prepare tea, she and sasuke loved to drink tea.
And she decided to chill for sometime before bed, until the door bell rang.
Hinata went over, who would come to see sasuke now, maybe naruto will.
She opened the door and was shocked.
"sen..sensei!..." kakashi was standing in-front on of her, why? And how the hell did he know she was staying with sasuke.
Kakashi was looking down, for hours he couldn't stop thinking about the navy headed girl. So he decided just once more, and he'll cut ties for once and for all.
"Sensei..are you alright?" Hinata asked worriedly, but then everything happened so suddenly, kakashi's lips crashed into hinata's.
"Just once more..hinata.." he said between kisses as his hands worked up and down through her body.
Suddenly he took off her shirt, hinata was overwhelmed by the passion and the moves, kakashi was rough, he started kissing her while squeezing her breasts, moving down between the cleavage until reaching her panties, hinata was moaning in pleasure, she opened her legs welcoming kakashi's tongue that darted through her womanhood after taking off her underwear. Hinata dug her nails inside kakashi silver hair, moaning in pleasure.
" hu..uh.." hinata moaned. She has never ever felt so much pleasure.
Then kakashi stood up, he unzipped his pants and pushed hinata down, he grabbed her face and opened her mouth forcefully, putting his manhood inside her mouth, grabbing her hair, and thrusting inside this parted pink lips.
Kakashi moaned.."uh..hina..uh.." and after a while he stopped.
"No more.." he said as he leaned down and kissed her beautiful abused lips, hinata was overwhelmed by such action, she never had sex before, and kakashi was somehow a dominant, sadistic bastard, his body commanded her, and she willingly obeying.
Kakashi carried her and laid her on the couch, parting her thighs, hinata squeaked in embarrassment.
"No..senseiii ..ple.." but she couldn't continue as kakashi's tongue darted inside her welcoming thighs.
Then kakashi centered himself above her ready to thrust when hinata squeaked again.
" no.. please..stop... please" she pleaded.
Kakashi stopped. He looked into her eyes.
" are a virgin.." well thats add up. So tight and hot. Kakashi retreated.
He felt bad, deflowering the girl. How could he, and he knows that this relation is doomed.
"S..sorry.." kakashi collected himself.
He stroked her face..
"Relax.., i won't do it.." he said as he got his boxer and gave her a towel to cover.
"Lets just..cuddle.." he said as he laid down, pulling her into his embrace.
Just this once and tomorrow no more.
she nodded.

Hinata woke up, she was lying on kakashi's chest. She looked at him, and smiled, he made her feel like she was on cloud number nine. Kakashi did pleasure her. She saw him opening his eyes slowly.
"Morning.." she mumbled slowly with a smile.
"Morning..hina.." kakashi said.
He suddenly pushed her away.
"Where you going..." she asked.
"Shower and lets go off to training..." he said coldly.
"Already?..i was thinking" hinata was going to say  more cuddling but she was unsure.
Kakashi looked at the distressed hinata. He was never a cuddling man, after sex he never cuddled as it was some of repeated whims. But for hinata he can make an exception.
He went over and nuzzled into her, hinata couldn't be much more happy.

Kakashi and hinata started training again, after cooking together and having breakfast together, a routine she ultimately shared only with sasuke.
She thought sasuke again, she must check on him sooner.
After they finished hinata cracked the question.
"Ummm. Well i see you..tonight.." she said while blushing.
"Uh.. maybe.. i have some things to do.." kakashi said
"Kakashi..i..mean sensei.. what are we?, i mean what am i to you.." she asked hoping to get the answer she wished to hear.
"Hinata, know that this can't happen.."
hinata felt billion daggers stabbing her.
She gulped
Kakashi hated the moment but he must say it.
"Student and teacher relation are condemned hinata, i...i am an ass to  you..but. I am sorry i was selfish hinata.. but this can't go on.."
"Why? Because i am your student..sensei i am an adult please..." hinata started crying. He can't do this to her, he can't bang her and then go.
"I am sorry hinata... i have to go..." kakashi took off leaving a crying mess hinata.

Kakashi went to his lawful friend, the pink haired girl.
Sakura.. and that was the worst choice he made at such time, because unbeknownst to him, someone was following in silence.
"What are kidding me.. Hinata.." sakura said in exacerbation. She was always and been jealous of hinata, hinata who stole the lights from sakura, hinata who befriended sasuke in no time even got closer than anyone's thought.
And now she is taking kakashi.
"You know its a condemned relation sensei.. you are not a child but a mature person..." he nodded to sakura's scolding.
Kakashi was so vulnerable at that moment, he needed soothing, he loved hinata too much, why can't he be with her. Fuck the system.
He never cried but he felt a tear shedding.
As sakura saw her distressed sensei, she couldn't hold her self and she embraced him in one passionate embrace. It was not friendly one, but.. lovers embrace. Kakashi sobbed quietly.
Hinata was watching and she felt million stabs in her heart.
Kakashi is a filthy liar, he excused himself by the 'student, teacher relationship' yet he is embracing sakura.
Hinata walked away lifeless. She headed to the bar.

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