The truth

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Hinata slowly tried to get out from sasuke's grip. It wasn't new to her he hugs her in his sleep, but hugging naked and cuddling after a session of rough sex is something new to her.
Hinata wanted to know what is she to sasuke now.
Surly she knows how much he cares about her, loves her, of course she is his best friend. But you don't quite sleep with your 'best friend'.
Also seeing him kissing sakura felt like he cheated. Though he didn't because hinata knows that technically, they are not in a relationship.
This whole situation for hinata was overwhelming and confusing.
Hinata got into the shower, she needed to clear her mind for now.
Then she got dressed and headed to cook for both of them.

Sasuke whimpered a little in his sleep, he found himself hugging a pillow. He frowned a little bit, as he wanted to get up hugging hinata.
Sasuke scoffed and got up, headed for the shower. Today will be a lazy day, sasuke fortunately doesn't have a mission today. So he'll spend more time with hinata.
Sasuke went over to the kitchen after taking his shower. He saw hinata wearing one of his shirts and a short. Her hair was still wet, stretching on her back. The kitchen smell was strawberries shampoo, hinata's shampoo.
How he loved her hair and such smell.
He wished so much to hug her from behind, and nuzzle his face into the crook of her neck, kissing and sucking, marking her as his.
However sasuke approached and bid her a good morning.
"Morning.." hinata answered in a low annoyed tone.
Sasuke scoffed.
He knew exactly what will come now.
He brought one of the tomatoes that was spread on the counter, while hinata was chopping the veggies.
And took a bite.
"What is it... say it.." sasuke cracked the silence.
Hinata scoffed. The kitchen had only the sound of knife hitting the wooden surface while hinata was chopping.
"Whats wrong hinata.." sasuke asked sternly.
Hinata looked sasuke in the eye, she didn't have the guts to crack. She wanted to say everything and ask the question but seems the words couldn't get out of her mouth.
She sighed then decided to ask why he kissed sakura..she wanted to ask him what is she to him but was so scared of rejection.
"Why did you kiss sakura sasuke..." she asked sternly.
"Nothing hinata it was nothing.." he said
"It is sasuke, at least to me..please tell me..." she pleaded.
Sasuke flinched a little bit, he remembered when she was drunk and told him she loved him. And cried over that sasuke loves sakura.
Sasuke didn't want to mention why he kissed sakura, he knows hinata will hate him.
"Its in the past hinata, and why do you care anyway..."sasuke wanted to push hinata to the edge until she says those three words. He loved to tease her.
"Sasuke...please..." she was stern and nervous.
Sasuke sighed.
"Fine.." he finally had to tell her the truth, the truth that he hides from hinata, knowing she may not forgive him. And may leave him alone. He wasn't ready to losing hinata. But she deserves to know.

"Sasuke kun" sakura greeted her former crush.
"Sakura.." sasuke greeted.
"How are you sasuke kun, i missed you..."sakura hugged sasuke tightly, he scoffed and broke the hug.
"Thanks..." sasuke said stoically.
"Where is hinata?" She asked
"Coming..." he said stoically.
"Have you known, she was dating kakashi.."
"What are you pointing at sakura.."
"Ahh nothing.. i just.. i was actually wondering, why didn't she admitted her love to you... i mean, she is totally in love with you, but in denial, but i was actually wondering what she'll feel when she knows that because of you, part of her life was a living hell" sakura mumbled.
Sasuke's gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.
He approached her with a growl in his face.
"What do you want..." sasuke gritted his teeth.
"You know what i want sasuke..."sakura approached sasuke, whispering in his ears.
"Aren't you dating Lee"
"I broke up.., besides what i want is the least you can do to atone for trying to kill" she blew in his ears.
"Or maybe the little princess of you.. you wish she won't get hurt.." sakura smirked.
Sasuke sighed, he can't risk hinata knowing what he had done. He was already messed up, didn't want her to see him that way.

"And thats why we kissed hinata... okay.. it was nothing.." sasuke finally growled.
Hinata eye's widened..
"What..what did you do..sasuke"hinata cracked the question.
She knew quite well that time he made her life a living hell, she swore she won't forgive whomever spread the rumor that she was pregnant from naruto. Making her father disowning her, hitting her physically until she had a broken rib, and konoha's people bashing her calling her a whore, throwing things at her.
Naruto had to send her over to the woods, and told her to follow on sasuke for the mission. Naruto wanted to protect hinata, and send her away for a while, until people forget and so she can heal from her trauma.
Sasuke went over, he hugged her tightly.
"I am sorry hinata..i am... it was just... i am sorry, i hated, i hated how gentle  you were, i was in rage.. i thought your life was perfect... i just wanted someone to point my rage too... i.." sasuke started to crack and his voice shaken, what he had done to hinata was stupid and he couldn't give an excuse.
He was good at hurting people and thats what he had done to hinata.
Since he felt guilt, and when she joined him on his mission, he decided to give it a shot to atone, and he found out that hinata and him had many things in common, that he came to love hinata more than he should ever do.
He became attached and wimp. She reminded him so much of his mother, she had suffered as he did.
"Sorry... i need time alone.." hinata pushed sasuke away gently. Her eyes were tearing hysterically.
Why do always people make her life hard.
She didn't pick up on anyone. She was gentle yet everyone bullied her.
Sasuke bite his lips and rested his hands over her shoulder
"Hinata please.." he pleaded desperately.
"Please sasuke... i need to be alone..."
sasuke looked down and headed away out of the kitchen.
Hinata placed her hands on her mouth, she let out a silent sob.
Then she fell on the floor crying, and weeping. Sasuke couldn't bear her weeping voice, it hurts him too much. He decided to leave.
Sasuke wore his pants and his boots, his cloak and his chemise. He went out to go to naruto.
He always had the answers.

Sasuke went back after a while from meeting naruto.
He found his mansion abandoned, cold again, no sunshine like hinata used to bring.
Hinata had left him.
Sasuke fell on his knees.
"Hinataaa...hinataaaa..." he weeped.

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