Jealousy part2

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Hinata was never a person who drinks alot. But with sasuke's absence, she needed to forget. She had no close friends now as kiba was married, and sasuke was on a mission, she and ino were never that close.
And besides, she can't tell anyone about such secret except for sasuke. Hinata brought two bottles of sake, and headed to the uchiha mansion.
As her first experience with alcohol, she didn't need half the bottle to get drunk. Now hinata was a hiccuping, drunk, broken hearted mess.
She opened her eyes to find a dark shadow standing.
It was blurry. She hiccuped.

"Hinata.." the voice said and approach. It was no one other than sasuke.
He ran and saw hinata hiccuping and the bottle of sake in front her.
"You drunk.." his voice was exacerbated.
"" she hiccuped and giggled.
He stood up. His face was glaring and fury.
" early" she asked while hiccuping.
"I got your message that you need to talk. I came quickly.." he said with a stern tone
What got into his best..potential lover.
" sweet of you...sasuke.."she said sarcastically.
"Hinata whats going on" he snapped.
He never seen his friend in so much distress and to be honest, sasuke never wanted to see anything or anyone harm his hinata.
"Let me ask you something" she said
"Why do everyone love sakura..." she started crying.
"What so good about her, what does she has that i don' have those round boobs she doesn't.." hinata said cupping her breasts and showing them off to sasuke..
sasuke was shocked at hinata's.
"Hina..what happened.." he stroke her face.
She smacked his hand
"I don't need your pity... you..pity me..even you.. i..i loved you sasuke.. and i love sakura"
Sasuke didn't know how to react. To be happy that she declared her love to him while drunk, or be sad she was drunk and believing he loved sakura.
"I don't love sakura hinata, you are drunk and delusional..."
"Don't lie... don't.." she snapped.
"I saw you..kissing..." she giggled while approaching sasuke's lips brushing hers over him.
She then giggled again and walking back to sit on the couch.
Sasuke was shock. Did she saw the incident.
It was one of the billion times this annoying sakura tried to push her love onto sasuke.
But then she bids him to kiss her as a way of closure and moving on, telling him its the least he can do for trying to kill her dozens of time.
Sasuke felt bad and wanted to atone so he complied and kissed her passionately, he didn't want to tell hinata so she won't be upset. Or as he thought she would be.
"Did lied to naruto.." hinata laughed sarcastically.
"That lying bitch, dismissed my confession that i..loved naruto and told him she does love him, dismissing my emotions.." she said while crying now.
Sasuke watched hinata with a tear in his eyes.
His heart was twisting in pain as he saw hinata blurting out what she felt..drunk.
"And and everyone.. loves her.."
"She..even..called naruto an orphan who deserved to be one..." she cried again and again.
"And i sacrificed for naruto...yet, he still couldn't get..over her..."
sasuke clenched his fists.
"Because he is an idiot, and no one loves sakura hinata.."
"What about me..i was called weakling and worthless, what did sakura lost..nothing... NOTHING..." she screamed.
"Why..why do girls manipulative like her gets their happy endings while i don't..., sasuke, why.." she cried again.
"Hina i am here with you, she didn't get her happy ending.."
"Why gentle girls like i am never gets anything..sasuke.." sasuke ran toward hinata and pulled her tightly into his embrace, as she weeped inside.
He buried his head inside her shoulder and whispered in her ears.
"I'll never leave you..hinata, you always said to me i am your family, and you are my home hinata..."
"I love you..sasuke..why didn't you love me back.. because i am not sakura.."
"Shut up hinata.. you are drunk..i don't love sakura, never did, never will..." he sealed their lips into a heart warming kiss.
Hinata kissed him back. Sasuke carried her to the bed.
He nuzzled by her side, and wished to stay like that forever.

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