What were the nine lives of each of the main leaders?

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Q: What were the nine lives of each of the main leaders?

I will not answer the question for brief leaders such as Cherrystar and Boulderstar. However, I have the answer for every ShadowClan leader after them

Also, when a leader loses a life in my books, they live in the cat who gave that life's paws before revival during the most pivotal moment of their life. So, I'll be containing those too.

Anyways, here they are!:


Mallowstar: Hope
Sorrelstar: Trust
Starlingnose: Mother's Love
Flyspring: Perseverance
Redclaw: Following Your Heart
Lionfrost: Bravery
Copperstar: Problem-Solving
Vineflower: Generosity
Sunstorm: Wisdom



Leafshadow: Bravery

Hawkstar is in young apprentice Leafshadow's paws, watching in horror as her sister begins to drown in a puddle. She wants to do something to save her, but she doesn't know what to do. Besides, she doesn't want to drown too!

Boulderstar: Problem-solving

Hawkstar is in apprentice Boulderstar's paws as wolves attack ShadowClan's camp. Boulderpaw fights bravely against the wolves, but is unable to help and watches as his mother and brother are killed.

Cherrystar: Generosity

Hawkstar is in Cherrystar's paws as wolves attack camp. Cherrystar stands in front of the entrance of the nursery, ready to protect Lightfur and the kits. But, a wolf grabs her in its jaws by the leg and flings her away, breaking into the camp. She hears the squeals of her own kits and Lightfur's as Cherrystar hits the hard ground.

Lizardtail: Perseverance

Hawkstar is in Lizardtail's paws as an older kit, almost of apprentice age. He is woken up to the news that his sick father wasn't able to make it to the Moonpool to get his nine lives before dying of greencough. He and his brother wail as their mother, Silentstream, tries to comfort them although she is feeling the same pain.

Silvertuft: Care

Hawkstar is in Silvertuft's paws as an apprentice, putting mint on the bodies of her father and brother to mask the scent of death. The event is traumatizing to her and she tells Embercloud many times that she does not want to do it, but Embercloud tells her to suck it up.

Russetblaze: Acceptance

Hawkstar is in Russetblaze's paws as a kit. He watches as his mother abandons him and his sister by dropping them off in ShadowClan territory and padding off without even saying goodbye to them.

Jaggedfoot: Stability

Hawkstar is in Jaggedfoot's paws as he is severely injured in the wolf attack. A wolf goes after the apprentice and hurts his leg so bad that the tom is disabled for the rest of his life.

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