Why did Hawkstar lie that Duskstar killed Acornfall and took one of her lives?

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Q: Why did Hawkstar lie that Duskstar killed Acornfall and took one of her lives?

A: Hawkstar made many terrible decisions in her life, but this was probably the worst decision she made and the one that almost had her sent to the Dark Forest. She lied to her own son to convince him to kill Duskstar. She claimed that Duskstar had attacked them, killed Acornfall, and took one of Hawkstar's lives, but it was in fact the same group of badgers that would later kill Addertooth and Flamepelt and take Ashstar's first life. She chose to lie to her own son about this so that he would kill Duskstar, since she already knew that it was on his mind, out of pure vengeance and hatred. So, this shows the very dark position the former leader was at the time which eventually led her to commit suicide for all of her six remaining lives.

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