Can you explain the war between ShadowClan and SkyClan?

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Q: Can you explain the war between ShadowClan and SkyClan?


The Beginning

The war was started by ShadowClan. Daisystar realized how much bigger the Clan was getting and decided that they would need more territory. Since it is common knowledge that a lot of SkyClan's territory was once ShadowClan territory a long time ago, Daisystar chose to try to take some of SkyClan's territory instead of RiverClan's. She told the Clan to start marking SkyClan's territory up to the second Twoleg path.

The Battle of the Dark

SkyClan found all of the ShadowClan scent in their territory and got angry. Badgerstar along with most of his warriors attacked ShadowClan camp, where SkyClan won. A lot of ShadowClan cats were either killed or badly wounded. The ShadowClan cats killed were Nettlebreeze, Bournfrost, and Spiderfang, along with 2 of Daisystar's lives. Daisystar then declared war on SkyClan as they left after the battle. The battle is called the Battle of the Dark by ShadowClan cats.

Border Scuffles

There were quite a few border scuffles during the war. None of these were too major, but many cats were injured in these as well as the death of Slatetail. ShadowClan usually initiated these scuffles, still desperate for SkyClan territory after losing once already. Most of the border scuffles were ShadowClan losses, but 2 were ShadowClan victories.

The Battle of Unforeseen Victory

The most important battle of the war and the turning point. Daisystar along with a lot of her warriors ambushed SkyClan's camp. The battle started with ShadowClan seeming to lose. Many ShadowClan cats were injured and several cats have been killed. But, the battle turned around once Sandstrike managed to kill off one of Badgerstar's lives. ShadowClan began to regain hope and started fighting harder than ever before. It ended in a ShadowClan victory. Russetclaw, Amberflower, and Lilydawn were killed out of ShadowClan. It is called The Battle of Unforeseen Victory by ShadowClan cats.

The Peace Agreement

Badgerstar came to ShadowClan camp along with only one of his warriors to speak with Daisystar. The ShadowClan cats disapproved of him speaking to her because they didn't trust him, but Daisystar interrupted and agreed to speak to him. When the spoke together, they came to a peace agreement. Badgerstar decided to give ShadowClan more territory in order to end the war, which Daisystar agreed to. This was the supposed end of the war and many cats were relieved. This occurred only a few days after Silentpaw and Fernpaw became apprentices and the day after a border scuffle that Silentpaw and Fernpaw were involved in but didn't fight in because they didn't know how to fight yet.

Rowanpelt's Sacrifice

Only a few days before the start of Sky Full of Shadows, Rowanpelt went alone to cross SkyClan's border in the middle of the night because he wanted to have a one-on-one battle with a SkyClan warrior. He got what he wanted when he was greeted by a SkyClan warrior who was only going to check on the border. They fought, but the SkyClan warrior was victorious, murdering Rowanpelt. The dawn patrol the next day then found Rowanpelt with his throat clawed out at the SkyClan border. After this, tensions rose again between the two Clans.

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