What are YOUR favorites?

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Q: It's been 473 days since you started writing about this universe, but what are your favorites in the series? Favorite character, favorite book, etc?

A: This is quite hard for me to answer, because I have so many favorites! But if I had to choose one... my favorite character overall is definitely Cherrystar! I love her a lot, and I can't wait for you all to get to know her better in The Great Storm! Some of my other favorites are Acornfall, Pineshade, Ashstar, Fawnbriar, Plumnose, and Sagepool! My favorite book plot-wise is Addertooth's Story, because it can be viewed through so many different perspectives. My favorite book to write was definitely Underneath the Silver Light. There's something about writing as Fawnbriar that I really love! She's one of my favorite characters! I also like how the antagonist was a disease instead of an actual cat. It was a nice switch up. It also introduced Fallenstar, another favorite of mine (even though she's evil...)! My favorite couple in my books has to be Pineshade and Milktail! They are so sweet, and thinking about them makes me both soft and emo at the same time! My favorite death to write was Blacktail's! Oh, when Mistystorm kills him *chef's kiss*. My saddest to write was Milktail's, I was actually crying when typing it! My favorite moment out of all of my writings was during the journey to find the "savior" in Underneath the Silver Light, when Fawnbriar killed a fox and Frostpath was telling her to climb back up the tree before the other foxes come after her, and she refused, telling him he's "not her dad" and they bantered a bit. It reminded me of a particular video (see below) and it had me rolling in laughter! I hope I continue to enjoy writing these books and I hope you enjoy reading them!

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