Can you explain the lines of "best fighters" and "best hunters" in ShadowClan?

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Q: Can you explain the lines of "best fighters" and "best hunters" in ShadowClan?

In ShadowClan, there are two specific lines of mentors and apprentices that are considered the "best hunters" and the "best fighters" of the Clan. First, let me explain what we know about each line from the currently released books in this universe.

The earliest "best hunter" we get when tracing back is Echobird, who was the mentor of the next "best hunter," Timbershine. So, the "best hunter" mentor and apprentice order as we know of goes like this:

Echobird -> Timbershine -> Rockshine -> Gorsefall -> Leafshadow -> Pineshade -> Swiftfang -> Addertooth -> Daisystar -> Bearclaw -> Owlheart -> Maplefrost -> Hollypaw

As you can tell, this line is filled with great ShadowClan warriors. Some of them even being considered heroes or simply honorable deputies and leaders.

For the "best fighters," the earliest one we get when tracing back is Brackensnow, who was the mentor to the next "best fighter," Sedgefang. So, the "best fighter" mentor and apprentice order as we know of goes like this:

Brackensnow -> Sedgefang -> Silentstream -> Boulderstar -> Deerwhisper -> Flamepelt -> Duskstar -> Blacktail -> Thornpelt -> Fawnbriar -> Plumnose -> Sandstrike -> Sleekpaw

As you can tell, this line has its fair share of deputies and leaders as well. But, some of these cats may not have the best attitudes or kindest hearts, especially since an evil cat is included. They can be aggressive, but that's mostly due to their eagerness to stand their own ground and defend themselves.

Believe it or not, these two lines of mentors and apprentices go back to one single cat.

The one cat that both of these lines of mentors and apprentices trace back to is a ShadowClan leader and current Dark Forest resident, Tornstar. Tornstar, formerly Tornear, was both the "best hunter" and "best fighter" in ShadowClan, which fed his massive ego. He mentored two apprentices before becoming leader. One was taught his hunter "powers" and the other his fighting "powers," as he called them, claiming he was gifted them from StarClan. The tom wanted nothing but power and wouldn't let anything get in his way. Once Tornstar got his power by becoming leader of ShadowClan, that wasn't enough for him. He made an attempt to unite all five Clans so he can be leader of all of the cats around the lake. He attempted, killing any cat who opposed him, but he met a brutal end as his final life was finally ripped away from him. So although these qualities are great to have, they trace back to a terrible cat.

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