Sonic and The Gang

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Chapter 2: Sonic and The Gang

The next morning you wake up in a dark bed room. Soft blanket, perfect pillow, just right kind of bed. You felt like you were at home. Until you sit up and look around, not your stuff. You turn and lay both feet on the floor. Soft carpet. You realize your shoes weren't on. You stand with a bit of a wobble. You finally start to slowly walk toward the door and open it. Once you did you were met by a hallway, five doors to the left, and the living room to the right. You walk right and was greeted by Sonic, Tails, Amy, Rouge, Shadow, and Knuckles.

"Finally, I was starting to think you died" Sonic joked. You growled at him and looked around the place.

"Where am I?" You ask, Amy chuckles and stands up.

"Your at our house silly" she giggled. Walking into the kitchen to get Sonic a Chilli dog.

"Why, I was perfectly fine in my forest" you growl again. Shadow rolled his eyes and folded his arms. Knuckles did the same.

"A thank you would safice" Sonic replied, coping what he said earlier.

"No thank you, I didn't need help, never will" your eyes glow for a slight second.

"She sounds like Shadow" Knuckles groaned. Shadow shot him a glance while Sonic and Tails nodded their heads.

"That's exactly what I said!" Sonic chuckled. You growl and roll your eyes.

"FYI, she has a name, and that info is classified" you head toward the door but was stopped by a hand on your shoulder. You quickly turned and held a knife up to Amy's neck.

"Woah woah woah! No need for violence, we were just trying to help" Amy quickly spoke, trying not to die. Your breath was deeper and could be heard now.

"Well guess what? I don't need your help! For the last time!" You drop the knife and continue walking toward the door.

"What if you die out there?" Tails asked. You stopped and closed your eyes.

"Why would you care?" You slowly spoke. "If I die, I die" you growled again, taking motion toward the door.

"Ok, but first, what's this?" Rouge smirked. Holding up your life rings. You turn and gasp, and began speaking French. The language you use when angry. Then you felt a little weaker.

"YOU GIVE ME THOSE BACK ASAP OR....." Your breathing slowed and your legs became a bit weaker. Shadow gasped and looked at Rouge.

"Or you w-will regret it!" You gasp. Without your life rings you die.

"Oh really? Stay here and get better or go with out these" Rouge smirked, holding your life rings up tauntingly.

"Rouge give them back!" Shadow shouted. Rouge looked at him with a smirk. You fall onto your knees while holding your chest.

"Give..... those.... b-back!" You slightly shouted. Rouge groaned.

"Ugh fine, but I will need bracelets like those!" She tossed them to you and you quickly put them on your wrist. Once you had them on your breathing came back to normal and your strength returned.

"You won't ever find anything like these" you growl. Rouge pouted and lifted a leg over the other.

"Why not?" She asked. You just about told them, but you restrained.

"That info is classified" you stand and looked at the door. "My name is (Y/n), the ultimate life form" you cross your arms and lean on one leg.

"WHAT!?" Shadow shouted. He felt insulted. He is THE Ultimate life form, no one else. "I think we have had a miss understanding! I am THE Ultimate life form" Shadow shouted.

"Mhm, sure, keep telling your self that Shadow" you glare at him. Shadow began to growl

"Shadow, cool it, because if you break as simple as one thing in my house I will smash your head into the ground with my hammer" Amy growled. Shadow nodded his head and looked back to out the window. 'I know him, but where have I met him?' You ask yourself.

"Oh, I'm Sonic, this is Amy, Tails, Rouge, Knuckles, and of course Shadow" Sonic pointed to each and every one of them. You nod your head to their gestures. Your stomach began to rumble and your throat was dry of thirst.

"Can I have some water?" You ask. Sonic nodded and walked into the kitchen and came back with a glass of water. You take it from him and chug it down.

"I haven't had water for a week" you sigh in comfort. You were still a little weary about them.

"A week!?" Everyone but Shadow replied in disbelief. You nod your head and placed the glass down on the coffee table.

"How does someone last a week without water?" Knuckles asked.

"That information is clasiffied, but I haven't eaten in about five days. I have to be a vegetarian" you sigh, you went to go sit on the couch, but the you heard foot steps. Foot steps come toward the door. You stare at door and slightly growled at it.

Word count: 783

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