Life & Death

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Chapter 23: Life & Death

Shadow laid in the top bunker, back turned to them. Your body still laid in front of the cell. The other (what? 6? 7?) Eight is still sad, but felt bad for Shadow. Everyone was too depressed to speak, too depressed to look at you. It's been way over an hour, so Shadow knew you would be dead. But, that was not the case. Cream and Amy still held hope, hope that you were still alive. Then, a heart beat rang in your chest. Your everything began to work again. You flutter your eyes open. You are still very weak, but you were thankfully still alive. You slowly and carefully lift your head of the ground. You look to your left to see the gang. You groan as you try to sit up. Your groan alarmed them, telling them that some else was in here. They all gasp and run to you.

"(Y/N)! YOUR ALIVE!" Amy squealed. Everyone hugged you through the bars. Shadow heard this but found it fake. Like they were trying to make him feel better. Everyone let's go of you and you weakly lift your head up. Looking at Shadow. You manage a smile and slowly stand up.

"Shadow, get down here" Sonic ordered. Shadow ignores him and continues to try not to cry while up there. You hold up your hand, telling them to stop. You walk over and unlock the cell and walk in. You walk over to the ladder and climbed it to Shadow's height. You lay a hand on his shoulder. But without looking who it was, Shadow pushes you off. And quite hard, forcing your back against the wall.

"Hey!" They all said, to Shadow's action. Shadow rolls his eyes and continued to stare at the wall.

"Y-yeah, love you to Shadz" you say with a smirk, trying to stand up again. Shadow freaks out and falls off the bed. After opening his eyes again, he met yours. You two stared into each others eyes for a good minute or two. Before Shadow slowly stood up, not moving his eyes away from yours.

"(Y-(y/n)?" Shadow said shakily. You nod your head as you and Shadow slowly walk closer to each other.

"They didn't completely kill me Shadz" you smile. Shadow smiles back, and hugs you. You hug back, knowing Shadow needed it. This time, there were no tears of sadness. These were tears of joy. "I'm ok, it's ok, we... are ok Shadz" you smile.

"Guys, I do but I don't wanna interrupt. But, we need to escape" Tails pointed backward toward the cell door.

"Oh yeah" you blush and you all walk toward the door. You look around and spot your pray. Shadow's other life ring. You pick it up and put it on. You sigh to the good feeling of health. You turn and see G.U.N soldiers standing there.

"Oh hey fellas, hows it going?" You ask. The soldiers look at you in surprise.

"How are you not dead?" One asks, you chuckle and play with your glove.

"How are you still alive?" You smirk. You back flip and hit both in the face. Causing them to fall backwards onto the floor.

"It's called surviving dufus" you say as you walk toward Shadow. Who was also fighting the G.U.N. You look at Sonic and see him struggling. You smirk and go help Sonic fight.

"Thank's (nickname)" Sonic smiled. You nod back and run around, helping your friends. Until you were grabbed by the leader again.

"Hello Project 302. I'll make you a deal. You become the ultimate weapon and we will spare their lives. Refuse to and we will kill all of them" he smirked. It was hard for you to speak, as to being choked by him. Shadow runs and kicks the leader. Catching you bridal style before hitting the ground.

"I have a name you know popcorn face" you fold your arms and kiss Shadow's cheek. All of a sudden, a big orange blur passes by. Taking you from Shadow.

"Hey!" Shadow shouted. You giggle as to knowing who did it.

"Lightning! I thought you were dead, after what they did to you" you say, looking up into his charming blue eyes.

"None of that matters now. Who are they?" Lightning took a quick death glance at Shadow. Who did the same to him.

"Oh, that's Shadow, Sonic, Tails, Amy, Rouge, Knuckles, Cream, and Cheese. Guys, this is Lightning The tiger" you roll your tongue when you said tiger. This alarmed Shadow of something he didn't like.

"Yep! I like to refer to, fastest thing alive" he smirked. Sonic growled and gave him a death glare.

"There must have been a misunderstanding because I am the fastest thing alive" Sonic growled. Lightning chuckles as he circles Sonic.

"Really? A worthless hedgehog can not be close to as fast as me" Lightning wraps an arm around Amy. Who giggles and blushes to it. Sonic began to feel a competition starting.

"Oh yeah? I am faster than the speed of sound!" Sonic growled. Lightning chuckles and licks Amy's cheek.

"Yes well, I am faster than the thing faster than the speed of sound" Lightning chuckles. Sonic's entire face was red from envy and anger at the same time.

"That's enough boys. Lightning, she is taken" you say. Lightning playfully pouts and gives her one more lick.

"It's ok Lightning, we can be friends" Amy smiled. Lightning then walked over to you and stood in front of you. Making your view unable to be seen by Shadow.

"Then meet me at our place, kay" Lightning says lovingly, licking your lips and running off.

"Hell to the naw, i'm taken lovah boy" you smirk. "Sonic don't be jealous"

"Ha! Who? Me jealous? That's crazy talk! Why on mobius would I be jealous?" Sonic asked. You shake your head and walk toward the exit. All of a sudden you were picked up by the back of your shirt by the leader. Shadow went to run after him but was picked up by Silver and his Psycokinesis. While the last part of the group was surrounded by Blaze's fire.

Word Count: 1037

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