Bitter Betrayal

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Chapter 9: Bitter Betrayal

~At The New G.U.N Head Quarters

You and one part of the G.U.N group are in a meeting room. The leader began talking about how good your doing. While you, you stood in the corner. Feeling Guilt and worry. Guilty for leading them to a trap. Worry because you knew what was gonna happen to them.

"(Y/n)?" The leader asked. Waving a hand in front of your face. You snap back to reality and look up at him.

"Sir?" You ask back, wanting to know what he was saying. You act soldier like around them.

"At that little event, I want you to act like you love Shadow. Once you lead him to some where private, kidnap him! In the mean time, I want you to keep it cool. While we capture them one by one and weaken them. So it would be easy to steel their power" He smirked. You nod your head in agreement.

"Yes sir" you sigh, giving a small salute and left. On your way back to the house. You hear Sonic's voice coming from your watch.

"Hey (y/n)? Do you read?" He asked you. You sigh and press the button.

"Loud and Clear, big blue" You assured him. You made Big Blue is nick name. Then you remembered you have been out all day. No one saw you this morning cuz they were all sleeping

"Where are you? We all are getting worried about you. Even Shadow looks like he's worried" You heard worry in Sonic's voice to.

"Oh, i'm on my way, tell them I'm just fine, just taking a walk" you nervously laugh.

"Ok, see ya" he spoke back.

"See ya" you smiled, feeling a bit of a blush on your cheeks. You sigh and run toward the house. To quicken the time. In about a minute or two you're finally there. You sigh and open the front door. You walk in and get a big hug from Amy.

"(Y/n)! We thought you were hurt, or lost!" Amy hugged tighter. You nervously giggle and hug back. You take a glance at Shadow and saw relief on his face.

"Yeah, even Shadow was worried about you" Knuckles chuckled. Shadow blushed slightly and growled at Knuckles.

"Was not! I knew she was ok" Shadow proclaimed. Sonic give him that smirk, the smirk you give when you know someone's lying.

"Oh yeah, that's why you didn't come out of your room till you found out Sonic was calling her" Rouge teased. Shadow blushed an even deeper red. You groan and plopped on the couch.

"Would you guys cut it out? I bet he has had enough, especially after worrying about me all day long" you teased. Now his entire face was red. You found his blush cute. Knowing him, he doesn't blush often.

"I hate you" Shadow growled. You giggle, standing up and walking up to him. Ruffling your fingers through his quills.

"Sure you do, I'll be in the room, in case you start to worry again" You teased once more. Shadow blushed like mad. And every single person saw him.

"You like her" Sonic smirked. Shadow growled and folded his arms.

"I told y'all, do. Not." Shadow growled once more. Hoping that they would get the right message and not the wrong one.

"She likes you to Shadow, you should totally ask her out to the little surprise event she's taking us to!" Amy squealed, sitting next to Sonic.

"Yeah Shadow, wouldn't wanna disappoint the poor girl, would you?" Rouge sat next to him and snaked under his chin with her finger. Shadow blushed even harder, if that was possible. Knuckles growled for a second, but kept it quiet.

"I'm not asking her out! I don't like her, I don't love her. I just trust her" Shadow stood and walked to the room. He placed his hand on the knob. And before he opened the door, Sonic spoke.

"Just keep telling yourself that!" Sonic shouted a chuckle. Shadow growled and ran after him. But held back by Rouge and Knuckles. Inside the room you were laughing to yourself as you changed to your PJ's.

"Come on Shadow" Knuckles groaned. Shadow growled and gave up. Stopped pushing on the two and turned to walk to his room. Just as you got done putting your shirt on Shadow walked in. You give him a smirk and walk to the desk.

"Faker annoying you again?" You ask with a smile. Shadow groaned and plopped onto his bed. You smile at this and walked toward the door.

"Yes" he growled. You chuckle and continue walking toward the door.

"I'll make ya deal. You put your PJ's on and i'll go out there and beat the little hedgehogs butt, deal?" You ask. Shadow shot up and ran toward the dresser.

"Deal, but I would much rather do it myself" You walk outside the room, closing the door behind you. You look toward the living room where the two "couples" sat. Amy and Sonic. Rouge and Knuckles. Sitting there, watching a movie.

"Hey guys, what ya watchin?" You ask. You look toward the TV to see, you didn't know what it was. Never in your life have you watched TV. Not once.

"Basically what ever comes up" Rouge complained. You looked to Sonic, who looked uncomfortable sitting next to Amy.

"Oh, cool, I call the bathroom first thing in the morning!" you call out. You hear them all groan in disappointment. You smirk and look toward Sonic.

"What ever, night" Knuckles stood and walked to his bedroom.

"And I wasn't kidding about leaving Shadow alone. How would you feel if you were him?" You sat in between Rouge and Sonic.

"Since when you care about anyone?" Sonic asked. You look toward him with a death glare.

"If I truly didn't care about a sol in this world, you would be dead by now" you growled. Standing up and walking back to Shadow's room. Then you replayed that in your head. Do you care? Cuz what your doing behind their back shows you don't care. You walk in to find Shadow already in bed. Curled up in his blanket, fast asleep peacefully. You smile warmly at him and walk to the bed. You lean down and kissed his cheek.

"Good Night, Shadz" You smile. Laying down next to him and falling asleep in his grasp.

Word count: 1074

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