Chapter 40

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Hero's POV

I reach New York, right after cancelling my last leg of tour. Nothing is more important for me than seeing Nirvana. Mill didn't tell me what it is that he wants to talk about, but his voice was enough to suggest that there is something serious going there. Maybe he found Nirvana? Has she returned to New York? No, she has not or else, Fatima would have told me. I take a cab, straight to Nirvana's home. When I reach, I jump out in hurry. I don't bother knocking, and push the door open. I am greeted by silence and three people staring straight at me. It is hard to decipher by their looks, what the matter is. Fatima looks terrified. Mill looks angry. Angry on who? Me? Anna looks, well she looks sad, nervous. Has she been crying? Enough. "Will anyone tell me what is going on? Where is Nirvana?" I ask. "Ask her" Mill points towards Anna, clenching his teeth. "Anna? Do you know where Nirvana is? Did she call you?" I ask expectantly. She doesn't answer and looks away. "Answer him you idiot!!" Fatima shouts. "She has been knowing about Nirvana all this while. But she didn't tell us. Nirvana contacted her long ago" Mill says eyeing Anna. "Why? Why didn't you tell me? Where is she?" I ask desperately. "She is in India" Anna mumbles. "India? What is she doing there?" I ask. This thought, did cross my mind before but Mill and Fatima denied so easily saying she will never go to that 'forbiden land', I quickly chucked it off. "She wanted time and space. Somewhere, we won't look for her. You won't go." Fatima says. "I will go. Hell I will. Anywhere in this world" I said running my hand through my hair. This girl is crazy. But I am serious. I will follow her anywhere, be it India or Antarctica. "Why didn't you tell me before? Is she alright?" I ask Anna. She nods her head silently. "No she is not !!!!" Mill shouts. "Don't you fucking lie!! She is not okay. She needs our help. And you didn't do that. You lied to us !!!!" Mill's voice booms in the air. "You don't have to shout. Okay? I have had enough of you. If Miss Damsel in distress was in so much of trouble, who asked her to go there?" Anna snaps back. "What happened to her? Answer me !!" I demand. "Her aunt is forcing her into some marriage" Fatima says. What the hell? Forcing her? Marriage? "Why didn't you tell me?" My voice comes louder than I intended but I don't regret. Anna should have told me the moment, Nirvana contacted her. "Because I don't want you to follow her everywhere. She doesn't care about you Hero, you have to understand that. She went there to run away from you , remember?" Anna defends herself. "Really Anna? Why do you care what she does with me? It was my fault that she had to leave at first place. Remember?" I snap back. "We have no time for this. She needs us" Mill says. "I will get her back" I move but Anna grabs me by my arm. "No you won't !! Hero you are crazy to go for her. Let Mill help her" she speaks earnestly. "Are you even listening to yourself? I love her !!" I jerk my hand away from her grip. "But she doesn't love you. And I do. I love you Hero" Anna's confession shocks all of us. Oh boy !!

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