The tour

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She swallowed hard and tried to steady her voice. She couldn't believe this. Stray kids were in the building. They were right in front of her.

She pushed down the tingle sensation and mustered up her usual character.

"Yes absolutely. Let me check you in and find your rooms" she smiled, genuinely surprised at how confident and casually cordial she sounded.

"Thank you" said Felix grinning. She could have sworn her heart stopped.

Felix broke his grin and rushed to help their leader Chan, as he was lugging in a huge luggage cart while Woojin carried a large amount of bags.

Sana took notice of them and reached for the hotel phone. She pressed page and spoke"I need bell hops to assist in the main foyer please. I need bell hops to assist in the main foyer"

Chan and Felix both smiled at her with gratitude and Woojin just smiled at her.

She beamed and motioned for them to come as she found their rooms.

As Chan, Felix, and Woojin were escorted to the reception desk, she noticed the other members had just entered the building.

Jisung walked pace with Seungmin dragging him, his eyes were as wide as his mouth only his mouth refused to close as he admired the lobby in awe.

Hyunjin and Minho followed behind, both resting their heads on each other's shoulders, both half asleep.

Jeongin passed Hyunjin and Minho, and ran up to Jisung grinning and pointing at the scenery. Both beaming with excitement.

And lastly Changbin followed shortly- she stifled a snort at the pun she made- behind their manager.

All nine members and their manager stood behind the reception desk, facing her. They all stared her expectantly waiting, she could see the bags under their eyes due to jetlag. She could tell they were silently eager to go up into their rooms.

However she was cut off just before revealing their room numbers.

"Eeeee!! Yo-you g-gguys are Stray kids" Squealed Alice pointing a shaking finger at them.

Chan chuckled "Yeah we're Stray Kids" he said casually scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm so sorry to be rude but c-ccould I gg-get an autograph?" She stuttered, knees shaking.

Chan glanced at the other members and whispered something to them. The other members nodded along with their manager who reluctantly agreed.

Chan turned back with a huge grin. "Why of course you can!"

While Alice frantically searched for her notepad as the nine members approached her, their manager approached her suddenly.

Sana greeted him with a smile as he asked about their rooms. "They will be staying in rooms 913, 914, and 915"

He nodded and spoke "If you would be so kind as to show them to their rooms if you could, I'm running on a tight schedule."

"Oh absolutely, it will be my pleasure sir." She said kindly, masking the growing elation in her voice.

She peered at the corner of her eye and saw Woojin and Seungmin signing the notepad, while Alice, Chan, and Felix shared a laugh. Sana couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy, but the feeling quickly washed away, when she caught Felix glancing in her direction every so often.

She couldn't determine what his eyes kept returning to nor could she discern the look in his eyes. Was it curiosity? Was it awe? Or was it admiration?

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