The Garden Walk

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Sana didn't know what to expect when she came to the wedding. She greeted all the aunties and uncles like how she normally does.

However her mind kept wandering to Stray kids. She was so worried about them. Never in her life had she seen them filled with such dread.

It almost made her feel ashamed. Here she was at a wedding, dressed up and enjoying herself while they were suffering.

Felix's dreary eyes never seemed so lifeless and out of hope. She wanted to see him again.

"Oye Sana" she jolted from her thoughts as her friend Nazia called her out.  She forgot she was in the middle of a conversation.

"Oh sorry! What were we talking about again?" She asked sheepishly

All the girls in the group gave her a bored expression.

"Honestly Sana what's gotten into you?" Saima asked

"Oh nothing! I was just thinking is all"

And worrying about him. He promised he'd tell me everything. But where can I find him?

"So how were your studies in Pakistan?" Asked Aisha

Sana's heart stopped dead. All the energy keeping her strong drained.

Memories of her fallen friends came thrashing back. The blood, the smell of dead flesh, the sounds of bombs and the man holding her at gun point.
She tried to shove the trauma down.

She swallowed hard. Her friends noticed her panic and reached out for her.

"Sana are you ok?" Asked Nazia, holding a hand on her shoulder.

She wanted to run. She wanted to escape. She wanted to curl up and hide from the world, crying her eyes out.

But she couldn't do that.

Not here.

Her parents would find out.

Her vision began to blacken as she tried to move. She took little steps into the venue, with her friends trailing behind her worriedly.

Just as Sana was about to collapse she saw him.

There he was on the dance floor, struggling to make the crowd happy.

Sana's vision cleared at the sight of him. Her friends stopped behind her.


They stopped as they caught sight of Felix desperately trying to dance. They all laughed at him.

Sana's heart pained, she could see him struggling, but his eyes once again were filled with anguish.

You don't have to do this Felix. Sana thought. It's ok Felix. You're in pain and yet you're trying to make others happy. You're strong Felix, please don't give up.

As if hearing her thoughts, Felix looked up, his eyes met hers.

Sana found her heart beating louder than the music.

His eyes brightened just a little. But his moves became so precise and powerful that everyone who doubted him, now either stared in awe or clapped and cheered.

*Here's the song he would be dancing to. Just to give you guys an idea.*

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