Chunariya (scarf)

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"No! My scarf!" She took off after it, Felix followed behind her.

He saw her scarf fly off into the night. Sana tried to keep pace with it but her dress caught a branch and her foot scraped a rock. A jolt of pain coursed through her, as it was the same foot she dropped the table on.

Felix caught her before she collapsed. He pulled her into his arms and helped her stand up.

Sana couldn't help but feel safe in his arms. His embrace was gentle and yet it was warm. If Felix couldn't hear her heartbeat, he surely must have felt it.

Felix then sat her down on the bench closest to them. The wind started to blow again and Sana started to shiver.

She reached for her scarf only to remember why she was injured in the first place. She clutched herself, in hopelessness.

Her scarves were everything to her. They held her strength, and confidence. She also turned to them for comfort when she needed them most.

As if sensing her distress Felix took off his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. Sana looked up at him.


He smiled his florescent grin "You'll catch a cold out here. Wouldn't want that happening."

Sana blushed and looked away, shy as the now covered moon. But something caught her eye. Felix followed her eyes.

It was her blue scarf, billowing on a tree branch, just as they both were about to retrieve it, a boy no older than Felix grabbed it, leaving them with a grin.

Felix was about to take off after him, but then remembered Sana was injured. He turned back to her, only to find her sitting on the bench, the look on her face was unreadable.

Felix went up to her and took her hand in his. He hoped his heart wasn't beating too loud. He summoned all his confidence and looked her in the eyes.

He realized that over the time they knew eachother, this was the first time he actually looked at her face. Her long dark brown hair, usually tied up in a braid, now flows down the side of her face. Her hair made her brown eyes stand out and they twinkled brighter than the stars above.

But he noticed sadness in her eyes, once again. She continued to look at him waiting for his response.

" Um Felix?" He was still holding her hand.

As if awakened by her voice, did Felix snap out of it. "Oh right sorry" he ran his fingers through his hair, sheepishly. And now Sana was the one caught staring.

He squeezed her hand and looked her in the eyes. Sana felt her heart skip.

"Don't worry I'll get your scarf back." Sana's eyes pricked "You don't h-"

"I know how important that scarf is to you and I'll get it back, I promise." He responded softly, once again giving her a smile that tilted the heavens and the Earth into balance.

Sana felt warm once again, and not cause she was wearing his jacket. As if noticing her thoughts, he put his hands on her shoulder and readjusted his jacket so it was covering her.

He was only inches away from her and she knew her heart started doing acrobatics once again.

"For now you're just gonna have to wear my jacket." He gave her a closed eye anime grin.

Sana wanted more than anything to hug him but she let go of his hand. She noticed he seemed reluctant to leave her, as he turned back to look at her.

It was her turn to smile "I'll be here when you get back"

Just as Felix was about to head after the boy, he heard her.

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