III: Roommates

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Luce looked over the person who had just entered the room for a moment. It was another girl about her age. She was short in stature with straight brown hair tied in ponytails. Her hair faded out to blonde at the edges. She had pale blue eyes. She wore a low cut purple dress, the top of which was cut into the shape of a 'V'. There were slits in the dress on the neckline and on both sides near the hem. She had brown fishnet stockings held up with garter belts and purple heeled shoes. She had a cream fur boa draped around her shoulders. A golden bangle bracelet hung from her right wrist.

The girl looked over Luce and S.M. silently. She let out a small huff and shook her head. "Commoners, I see," she murmured. "Helena! Come on!"

Another girl came wobbling into the room not long after. She was much taller than the other girl and had a lanky figure. Her hair was fuchsia and tied into a ponytail on the left side of her head. Her hair was held in place by a black bow. Her eyes were the same pale blue as the other girl's. She wore a black knee-length dress with a white jacket. She had white socks and black flats. A golden bangle similar to the other girl's was hanging from her left wrist.

The second girl, 'Helena', as the first girl had called her, was carrying excessive amounts of luggage. She was practically shaking under the weight of pair of suitcases sitting on her forearms. She managed to hobble over to the couch where S.M. was sitting before dropping the bags loudly onto the cushions, making S.M. jump.

"I'm so sorry!" Helena exclaimed with a gasp. She began to pull the luggage together to take it to one of the rooms, specifically the room near the back right corner.

"You're so clumsy!" the first girl groaned with a shake of her head.

"I'm sorry," Helena repeated. "I didn't mean for that to happen, Carys..."

Carys rolled her eyes. "Just get the job done," she instructed harshly, prompting Helena to take the luggage to its proper location.

Carys turned to face Luce, looking the mercenary up and down. She glared at Luce's muscled arms and relatively unkept hair. She shook her head. "Not at all ladylike," Carys murmured.

Luce thought back to the list on the door. These two had to be Carys and Helena Palpatine, both of them princesses. However, only one of them acted like a typical princess. Carys was acting spoiled as all hell, and it seemed like Helena was more of a servant than a noble. It was unsettling for Luce. Of all the things she may have been anticipated, this was not one of them.

Helena returned from putting all the luggage away and wiped off her forehead with one hand. "It's done, Carys," she said simply. She grabbed a single abandoned suitcase from near the door before dragging it away to the door at the top left of the room.

Carys hummed her happiness before entering her room. Luce felt a sigh of relief build in her chest the moment Carys left. She hoped the rest of her roommates weren't as insufferable as Carys had been.

"Strange crowd," muttered Luce with a shake of her head. She looked to S.M. for any signs of agreement, but S.M., as expected, said nothing. She turned another page in her book.

Luce shook her head and began to glance over the pages on each of the four directional doors. She started with the room on the bottom right. She hadn't seen anybody go in there yet, so it was a good place to start in her eyes. She read over the paper silently:

'Tanith Satim of Millennia
Princess Sophia Greeves of Fortunia'

Luce peered into the room for a moment, anticipating to see somebody inside. She turned out to be right, as there was a girl sitting inside. She was hunched over the desk at the far end of the room.

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