V: Acadia

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A few hours passed of Luce and the girls watching 'TTT', which she learned stood for 'Time Traveling Thornton'. She was nowhere near as familiar with it as her friends were. Half of the show made no sense, but S.M. had promised to start watching the show from the start with her at some point, which was progress in Luce's eyes. Getting along with S.M. had seemed like a daunting task at first, but it was starting to seem more possible.

The other people in Luce's room were taking longer to head over to Acadia. Carys had a few 'last-minute additions' to make to her outfit. Helena was waiting for her sister. Iris had taken it upon herself to wake Sylvia up, which was much easier said than done. She wasn't sure what the other three were up to, but she got the feeling it had something to do with their habits of reading, writing, and avoiding human contact.

Luce had always been taught to arrive as quickly as possible to formal events. Her father had insisted timeliness was an important quality for a mercenary to have. Lianna had said similar things throughout the years. It had become deeply ingrained in her mind and wasn't something she could easily forget.

Luce casually strolled away from the gates of Alitia and towards Millennium City. The hub of activity was located in between all six of the famous academies of Millennia, which were positioned in a circle. If she walked through Millennium City, she would likely find directions to Acadia. It was a nice way to get used to her new home and reach the party.

Millennium City was as busy as it had been in the pictures Luce had seen online. Lianna had shared many photos of her time at Alitia with her friends, and some of them were taken in Millennium City. There wasn't anything in the pictures that would help Luce get to Acadia, but they did show how the city looked, even in limited quantities.

People were constantly moving. Hover vehicles slid across the streets in between crowded buildings. Every few doors, Luce would see a boutique or other clothing store. Judging by Carys' earlier love for clothing, she would have a field day if she learned how many dress shops were located in Millennium City.

Luce wasn't entirely sure where she was walking, but she didn't think it mattered much. She caught a glimpse of a sign pointing Acadia was three blocks away. She had been wandering somewhat aimlessly, but apparently, it paid off.

She walked silently towards Acadia for a few more minutes. Luce couldn't help but think about her roommates. Her intense session of watching 'TTT' with them seemed to ease her worries about getting along with them. Carys was still a note of concern, but Luce hoped she would relax the more time they spent together. It was going to be an uphill battle, but nobody ever said life was going to be easy. She would find her way through it. Luce was sure of it.

When Luce arrived at Acadia, she didn't go in immediately, instead staring up at the tall building before her. It was similar to Alitia in shape, as both were large and circular. Acadia had about five floors as well, though Luce couldn't tell for sure. There was a dome atop campus that appeared to be a sunroof of some kind, and if that was the case, it was the largest sunroof Luce had ever seen.

Since nobody was outside, Luce assumed the festivities were going to take place inside the dome area, so she started for the doorway. The entrance was grand with doors twice as tall as her. She pressed against the door on the right, praying it would open. Unfortunately, the door refused to budge.

Luce stepped away and observed the door with a frown. How in the world was she supposed to get inside? Was she too early? Were the doors not going to be opening for a while yet?

As if on cue, the doors opened. They creaked slowly before stopping near the outside walls. There was a woman standing on the other side, and Luce assumed she was responsible for the doors opening.

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