XLVIII: Final Strike

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As soon as Iago gave the order to Myra and Chester to stay behind, Myra struck. She pushed one arm outwards, energy exploding from her skin as it flew towards Carys. The enchantress of ice kicked off the ground, launching herself into an aerial flip to one side, dodging the attack easily. The energy instead hit a nearby tree, and the wood groaned angrily in response under the impact.

"How are we supposed to take these guys out?" Carys cried out as Chester readied another strike. He sent energy flying at Sophia, who let the ground swallow her in order to keep from getting hit.

"I don't know," S.M. replied bluntly. "But we had better think of something fast. We don't have time to be standing around and chatting."

"I think we should play the waiting game," Tanith said. "We only need to keep them busy long enough for Luce to kill Iago. The second he dies, the curse over them will be lifted, and they'll go back to normal. Until then, we need to keep them away from Alitia and away from where Luce and Iago are fighting."

Iris nodded. "Okay. If that's the plan, we had better get started on fighting them. If we can knock them unconscious, some of us can go and help Luce while the others stay here and guard them." She pulled one of the metal bands off her Isolis outfit and began to mold it into a large gauntlet, her hand clenched inside of it.

When Myra ran in close to attempt to attack Iris, the latter flashed up her gauntlet, the metal reflecting the energy beam Myra had created. The column of light bounced off the surface of the gauntlet, hitting Myra square in the chest and sending her flying backwards. Myra was only stopped when her wings suddenly managed to correct her trajectory, allowing her to land on her feet, though she was breathing heavily from the hit.

Sylvia dashed up to Myra, electricity crackling on her palm. "Myra, I don't want to hurt you. I want to go back to how things used to be... Back before that monster made you into his stupid little playmate! Please, I know there's still some of you in there... Listen to me," she pleaded, tears forming in her eyes.

Myra slowly pulled herself up to her full height, having been hunched over before. There was no trace of emotion in her eyes as she raised one hand, ready to strike Sylvia. Even if Sylvia knew she was under the control of the Possession Master, it still hurt to see her sister raise a hand to her, and she swallowed dryly, grabbing Myra's arm and twisting it to keep her from being able to attack.

Myra let out a shriek of shock, and S.M. ran into the scuffle, grabbing Myra by the clothing at the base of her neck. She pressed one hand to Myra's head, trying to conjure a spell to knock her unconscious. They had learned something like this in Adrianna's class earlier in the year, and if she could pull it off correctly, they might be able to end this fight sooner than expected.

Chester wasn't going to stand by and let the fight end without input from him, however. He launched himself at S.M., sending them both to the ground in a pile of limbs. Tanith prepared a blast of wind to try and knock Chester off S.M.'s torso, but she found it was nearly impossible to aim given how closely connected they were in their fight.

Myra used the distraction to her advantage, approaching Helena and shooting her in the back with an orb of energy. Helena yelped, flying through the air before slamming into the ground, all the wind knocked from her lungs. When she tried to push herself off the ground, she felt a horrible pain in her torso, and a small curse left her lips. She had definitely bruised a rib when she hit the ground.

Tanith turned her attention away from Chester, instead blasting Myra with a concentrated puff of air. Myra slid backwards on the grass, creating skid marks in the dirt before coming to a halt. She glared at Tanith and tried to jump at her, but the latter ducked at the perfect moment, sending Myra crashing into the ground.

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