XLII: Arrival from Amity

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"Excuse me?" Luce asked in surprise, her eyes wide as could be. "You can't be serious. Lianna? The Lianna that I've worked with all my life?"

"I'm serious as can be. She's my older half-sister and your aunt. That means that your father is her older brother, and he didn't even know about it. They were working together for a long time, but as far as I can tell, there wasn't anybody involved who was aware. That's my assumption, at the very least. Don't quote me on it, but that's what I think the case is," Cessair went on. "I mean, I wish there was another explanation that didn't involve you screaming on the inside and pacing back and forth, but there really isn't much I can say on the matter."

"I see... Wow. I can't believe this," Luce murmured, shaking her head. "You know, I wonder if we'd be able to ask them to come and help us. I mean, we're kind of in the middle of a war, which means that we can use all the help that we can get. If we call them over from Amity, maybe they'd be able to help us make strikes back against the Possession Master."

Cessair pointed out the window. "It looks like you won't need to contact them. There's a ship out there, and as far as I can tell, the pilot is a man with blue hair the same color as yours," she told Luce. "Want to go and see what's happening?"

Realistically, Cessair didn't even need to ask what Luce wanted to do. The blue-haired girl grinned and headed away from the classroom, Cessair chasing after her.

The pair dashed through the halls of Alitia until they were able to burst out of the building. They watched as the ship's door opened, and a few seconds later, a group of mercenaries came streaming out of it.

Luce smiled to herself as she noticed them. Each of the mercenaries was there, and she couldn't be happier. Her two worlds, Amity and Millennia, had been separate up to this point, but they were now being brought together. Granted, she couldn't see any of her other friends in the general area, but she knew she would have to introduce them a bit later.

The leader of the mercenaries was Cryon himself, who had been piloting the ship just as Cessair observed during the landing sequence. He seemed as stern as ever, one hand resting on the sword in the sheath at his hip. Cryon didn't notice Luce until his daughter was only a few feet away. Luce was breathing heavily as she approached him due to her lengthy run throughout Alitia, but Cryon didn't seem to mind.

"Luce," Cryon murmured with a small smile, taking a step forward with his arms spread as he waited for a hug. It only took a few seconds for the two to embrace each other, and as far as Luce and Cryon were concerned, nobody else in the world existed.

A few seconds later, Luce and Cryon pulled away from each other. Cryon's fingers brushed against her face, displacing the hair that lingered in front of one of her eyes. The contact was electric in an unfamiliar way to Luce, as she hadn't felt this way in many years. Cryon hadn't done this since she was a child, and now, she knew exactly why he was so attached to that specific part of her body.

Cryon brushed the hair off course far enough to see the scar on Luce's cheek. Luce's hand went up to cup his. "I know it's there," Luce told him firmly. "I know everything."

Cryon was shocked at hearing this, but at the same time, something in his gaze said that he expected it. He knew she was going to find out at some point, but he hadn't realized that day had already arrived. Cryon looked into her eyes tenderly, still refusing to drop his hand. "What do you know?" he asked slowly, unwilling to give up any information that Luce didn't already have.

"My mother is Dawn Shira, the Keeper of Starlight. I was born despite it being assumed impossible. My magic is from her. I hold a minor Blessing of Moonlight from you and your father. You are the son of the Possession Master, Iago Thanatos. I hold both Starlight and Moonlight, making me one of very few people across all of history to have both such abilities," Luce told him firmly. "I have a scar on my face from an assassination attempt back when I was younger. All of this was hidden behind a Starlight spell that would keep me safe from any wandering eyes who wanted to get into the power that I inherited from my mother."

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