XII: Explosive Incidents

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After lunch ended, Luce trekked across the school to a large, open classroom with a high ceiling. There were three rows of desks, and she took a seat in the final row. Supposedly, this class was supposed to be for metamorphosis. While magic was often based off a specific subject, there were some things all mages were capable of, such as telekinesis, a few other basic charms, and metamorphosis. Luce didn't know exactly how helpful metamorphosis was going to be to her when she could barely control her magic as it was. It would probably just add another pile of tasks onto her mountain, which was the last thing she needed.

Sylvia came into the room not long after. She looked as exhausted as ever, rubbing her eyes as she shuffled over to where Luce was sitting. Sylvia didn't even bother to grace her with a greeting before laying her head down on the desk. She was snoring and unconscious in a matter of seconds. Luce wasn't exactly surprised, given Sylvia's track record for being able to sleep pretty much anywhere, but it was a bit unsettling to be the weird kid in the back sitting next to a sleeping classmate.

Luce was praying internally for the bell to ring, signaling the start of class, as it would force Sylvia to wake up and face the rest of the day. With Sylvia asleep next to her, Luce felt like she was alone despite physically having other people around. Granted, Luce had always liked her time alone, but this didn't exactly make her happy.

She wound up pulling out her phone underneath her desk to check if she had gotten any new messages. Luce smiled when she saw one from Lianna telling her to have a nice day. Luce responded with a brief thanks before tucking her phone back into her backpack. The bell rang out not long after, startling Sylvia out of her brief slumber, much to Luce's satisfaction.

The other people in the room continued to chatter despite this though, talking about how their classes had gone so far and what they had to get up to next. Since nobody was nearby, Luce didn't have this luxury, as despite having just woken up, Sylvia had gone back to sleep. It was odd how easily she could close her eyes and descend into slumber. She wanted to know how she could do that, but Luce feared it would be odd to ask something like that so soon after meeting her, so she held back for the time being.

It took a few more minutes for the teacher to arrive inside the classroom. It was a man, and as was expected, Luce didn't recognize him. He had short blonde hair that was left unkempt. His eyes were brown, and he looked closer to Luce's age than her other teachers thus far. He had freckles, she realized upon closer examination. He had a white shirt that was untucked under a brown jacket. He had brown trousers to match with black shoes.

He took a seat behind the desk sitting by the door and tapped the wood to silence all the conversations taking place. "Good," he smiled once silence overcame the room. "Glad to see you know when quiet is needed."

He stretched his arms up before kicking his legs onto the desk. Luce blinked in surprise, not believing her eyes. To her knowledge, the teachers of Alitia were the best in their fields and were serious about their work, but here she was, sitting in front of a strange man who was more casual than half her roommates.

"I'm Vitellary Cremond. I'll be your metamorphosis teacher for this year, and, well, every year you're here at Alitia. I'm one of a kind, the only teacher of such an amazing subject at this fine academy," the man explained. "It's nice to meet you all. I'll call roll really quick, and then we're going to get right into a practical activity! I doubt anybody here will object to that. I mean, everybody likes a little fun. It's a break from the constant syllabus slog that most teachers throw at you on the first day."

Roll call seemed to pass by much faster than in other classes. Vitellary didn't bother to assign seats to any of the students, which was fine with Luce. She didn't really mind either way, so long as she was near Sylvia to hold onto some semblance of familiarity. If she could sit where she wished, then it would be no issue, which she was also okay with.

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