XXX: Dark Mage Mingle

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On the first day back from the break, Nebula Denholm stood in the courtyard of Sierra and wondered why the hell she had to suffer like this.

Minerva and Fromir had thought it would be a great idea to get their witches and cantors together for a group training session. It was a way of shaking off the rust after being away from training for two weeks. Plus, it gave their students another chance to bond when most hadn't seen the people of the other school since the party at the start of the year. In theory, it was a good idea.

However, in practice things were much different. Nebula found herself crossing her arms as she stared at a young man with pitch black hair. He was wearing a navy blue hoodie that seemed a bit too large for his small frame. His jeans were torn and looked ready to fall apart. His hands were shoved in his pockets as he looked at her and sneered.

"Alright, everyone. Today's training session is meant to give everyone the chance to spar and fight with new people. We've paired students up by looking at their magical skill. You may not be with someone from your own year, and that's alright. Go on and introduce yourselves," Fromir declared. He looked over at Nebula for a moment, and the young witch stared at the ground to avoid his gaze. She really didn't want to deal with him getting protective today. Things were going to suck enough as it was, and Fromir's behavior would only make things worse.

"My name is Nebula," Nebula managed to say, somehow focusing on the young man before her. He must have been a talented mage to wind up paired at her side. Nebula was at the top of her class and one of the most capable freshmen currently passing through the halls of Sacred Heart. If this young man was from Sierra, then he must have known what he was doing when it came to spell casting. "I'm a freshman. What's your name?"

The young man sneered at her for a moment longer before wrapping an arm around her shoulders. His fingers seemed intent on digging a little too deep into her skin. Nebula's heart rate increased. If he got any closer, she'd be ready to go into fight or flight mode. "My name is Iago," he remarked. "Aren't you a cutie pie?"

Nebula practically threw him off of her shoulders, already wanting to take a shower. The training hadn't even begun yet, but she felt dirty after having felt his touch for less than fifteen seconds. "What year are you?" Nebula asked, appalled at his behavior. Who the hell met a girl and instantly treated her like this? Maybe he was a freshman, still immature and unsure of how the world worked. Nebula was known for being mature for her age, but not all students at the Millennium Six schools fell into that category. He certainly didn't as far as she was concerned.

"I'm a senior," the young man responded. "But nobody has to know if you really want to get with me... I know I'm a treat to be with, and you'd be lucky to have somebody like me. Anyone would. However, I'm willing to give you the first choice to see if you're interested. He winked seductively at Nebula, and she gained the urge to smack him in the face with her magic. Thank Moonlight she was going to get to beat him up without consequences during the training session. Even if it hadn't been allowed, she probably would have been inclined to do it anyways.

"If you give me that look one more time, I swear to Moonlight, I will end you," Nebula growled under her breath. Hell, even if he didn't do it, she still wanted to see him get thrown off a cliff or slingshotted around the planet.

"Is that a threat? If I'm not wrong, you could get into some serious trouble for saying such a thing," Iago frowned. "You can't kill me. I'm your future husband, and I'm far too charming to die now anyways. We can have a lovely child together one day, you know... All it takes is a little cooperation on your end... I know I'm ready to start a family with you."

He reached out to take Nebula's hand, and she smacked it away with a firm glare. She was going to enjoy this more the longer his lips kept flapping.

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