61. Cruel Truth

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1032 Words excluding (A/N)~ I don't own KHR~

This chapter was a little difficult to write~ but it's very important~ I really hope you enjoy it~

Next update before or on June 29 2019

"Someone else?" Shamal breathed, glancing around and seeing nobody else. Reborn glanced at the figure behind Shamal, he'd seen the fluffy boy slip in through the window after the doctor had turned his back.

"Yeah, Lazy-Tsuna is right behind you" At the hitman's words Shamal turned around and jolted back in fright.

'Holy shit it's him!'

Honey eyed flashed with amusement as he tilted his head to the side in inquiry, Reborn took the hint and explained. "Tsuna is very sick, despite what you may have seen regarding him" The hitman stated.

Shamal squinted at the teen, he looked much more fluffy than he remembered. The soft honey eyes were completely different than the paralyzing orange ones. Looking closely, the teen did look quite thin and somewhat pale.

'How can this be the same freaky ninja from before?'

"Okay, lets go to a more comfortable place for you?" Shamal inquired, weary of setting off the teen. Tsuna nodded and headed towards the stairs, motioning for them to follow him. Shamal blinked.

'Is that a rat on his head?'


Once everyone important was in Tsuna's room, they locked the door and the brunette took a seat on his bed. Shamal took out a stethoscope from his bag and listened to the brunette's heart. Reborn felt uneasy when he noted how Shamal frowned, removed the stethoscope, and tried again.

'Is there something wrong with lazy-Tsuna's heart?'

The hitman stayed silent as Shamal continued with his duty, knowing that he'd get his answers once the check was complete. "What are your other symptoms?" Shamal asked the brunette.

"He has cough attacks that take a lot out of him, and he's apparently unable to do much physical work, however I've seen him do quite well in physical tasks. He's often pale" Reborn supplied, glancing at the honey eyed teen.

"Does he often cough up blood?" At Shamal's words, Tsuna nodded, his gaze strategically away from the hitman.

'I haven't noticed too much blood...'

"Dame-Tsuna! Why was I not made aware of how often you're coughing up blood?" Reborn growled, his inner flame lashing at the knowledge.

"It's because the baby carnivore's does not wish to trouble you with his illness" Kyoya stated from the bedroom window. Shamal inwardly groaned, he recognized the skylark as the one who was beating up the cops.

'That is something Dame-Tsuna would do...'

Tsuna blushed at the accusation, giving the skylark a betrayed look. "I've seen the baby carnivore vomit blood, faint, and blank out. When he blanks out, he gets a distant look then runs around when he returns" Kyoya added, much to the brunette's disdain.


Shamal closed his eyes, he'd already noticed how fond of the brunette Reborn was despite how little he'd seen them together.

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