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"Yo loser that's my seat"

Excuse me


"I said that's my seat now get up"

"Oh um I-sorry" i shyly get up and walk to the front of class

I just got to school after finally waking my dad up and I was almost late to my first class

However, my teacher knows I'm new so she didn't mind that I was a little late

When I got to my class I went in the only open seat in the back and everyone stared at me

At first I didn't know why they were staring but now I know

Some tall girl with beautiful green eyes and long blonde hair came up to me and well you know what happened

"Excuse me" I say politely to my teacher


"Do you have any more seats? Um I don't really have one"

"Oh yeah of course honey. There's one right over there" she points to next to the seat from before and everyone laughs

I don't really know why they're laughing but well they are

I walk over to the seat and right before I put my stuff down a foot is in my way and I trip

Me, already having no balance or coordination at all I fall right on my ass

Everyone turns and starts to laugh at me... again

Well this class laughs a lot

I stand up embarrassingly and quickly sit in the seat

"Aria!" My teacher yells at the girl

"Oops sorry" she fake smiles at me and rolls her eyes

Well today's not going well

I can only imagine how the rest of this year is going to go
The rest of the class doesn't go that bad except for the fact that the girl Aria handed me a note

I haven't opened it out of fear for what it is but now I'm getting curious

I eventually get the courage and open it

'You'll never survive in this school so you might as well move back to where ever you're from- Aria, your worst nightmare'

I mentally roll my eyes and crumple up the paper

But jokes on her because I'm from here

I put the thought of the note to the back of my head and continue to listen to my teacher ramble about- well I'm not so sure what she's talking about
These first few chapters are going to be short until I get into more important stuff

Okay okay

So what should happen next?

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