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"LAVENDER YOUR FRIEND IS HERE" my mom screams at me

i was getting ready for the party and i had no idea what to wear, so i asked my friend and she helped me

i like my outfit a lot and i really hope that Noah says something about it

i wonder if he will even try to kiss me tonight

i know i only texted him and that was our only interaction but still he did say he thinks i'm pretty

i go downstairs to go to the party and my aunt Christina stops me

"my mom told me to check your outfit and... go change"

"um why?"

"there's like no clothes on you"

"so there's like no clothes on you and you're still wearing them"

"i'm staying inside"

"you're staying with uncle corbyn and probably going to have sex"


"what, you know it's true now if you'll excuse me i have a party to get to" i walk by her and out to my friends

i walk in the car and they all say hi to me

"i love your outfit" Christie tells me

"thanks i love yours too. my aunt almost made me change"

"one of the boys wives?"


"can i guess which one"

"sure if you want"

"ummm Zach?"

"nope corbyn, it was christina and she was wearing less clothes than me and somehow she thought i was wearing not enough"

"well i think you look great, and i'm sure Noah will agree"
we get to the party and it's super loud

"is it supposed to be this loud" i ask analyse

"yes don't worry about it. now go find your man"


"Noah duh" she pushes me into the house and i bump into someone

"woah sor- oh hey" i say seeing it's that kid Noah




"then yeah i'm lavender."

"cool, you're even cuter than i remember. i know you just came in but wanna step outside for a little. we can talk"

"sure" i smile and he takes my hand

we walk outside and sit on these chairs that are out there

it's really cold outside and i start to shiver

"we've only been out here for a few seconds and you're cold"

"yeah i get cold easily"

"here take this" he hands me his jacket and i put it on

"thanks. so tell me about yourself"

"well my names Noah and i'm a freshman like you. umm i'm
not very interesting but i do think that you are very beautiful."

"oh thanks" i blush and he takes my hand

"i know we technically just met but i'm a strong believer in love at first sight, and... i think i like you, well i think i will like you once we know more about each other. and so i was wondering if maybe you wanted to
go on a date and we could learn more about each other. maybe this could even count as the date i don't know."

"yeah that would be nice. maybe we can leave this party soon and go on one?"

"i would like that"

"i would too"

"well if you're friends don't mind, i know this semi secluded pizza place that we could go to"

"they don't even have to know"
its been a year wow... i don't know what to write

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