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did that really happen

we actually kissed and she didn't hate me after

i'm literally so happy right now

i need to calm down she could easily still hate me but still it was amazing

i have such a big crush on her if it isn't obvious

we're working on our project and i just can't stop looking at her

"do i have something on my face?" she says looking up at me

"oh no sorry i didn't know i was staring"

"well anyways did you find the answer to slide 2?"

before i can answer i get a call from my mom

"sorry it's my mom i have to answer"

i answer the phone and say hi

"hi Ari where are you?"

"i'm at my friends house"

"oh well me and Chris just left for our trip and i wanted to say bye"

"wait what! what trip?" i ask shocked

"we told you this last night, we're going on a trip for our work"

"you never told me this! what am i supposed to do now"

"you have to go to your mothers house for the week"

"but i don't want to go to her house! her kids are mean to me"

"well you have to go. now goodbye i love you"

"but-" i say before being interrupted by the phone being hung up

"what was that about?" Lavender asks me

"my mom and her husband are going on a trip for their work and i have to go to my awful mother's house"

"why don't you like her house"

"her step kids are always mean. they always say how my mother likes them more and they're not even her real kids"

"oh that's awful"

"yeah and they always hit me for some reason and make their dad hit me too"

"wait what! your stepdad hits you"

"mhm" i say looking down

"aria that's not okay. does your mother or mom or anyone know"

"my mother does, she sees him but never stops him" i start to get emotional but i quickly wipe my tears

"well you're not going to their house" she tells me sternly

"i have no where else to go. i legally can't stay alone at my house and no one else lives here. it's my only choice."

"you can stay here. i'm sure my mom won't mind"

"you already have to deal with my annoying ass at school i can't infiltrate your personal space too"

"you won't, trust me. plus you get hurt at that house i can't let that happen to you"

"why do you care you hate me."

"i don't hate you Aria i hate how you were mean to me. even if i did hate you i wouldn't want you getting abused"

"it's not abuse."

"yes hitting is. does he do anything else to you"

i nod thinking of everything he does to me

no one has any clue not even his kids or my mother. no one can know or else he'll get in trouble. well that's what he tells me anyways

"what else?"

"i-i can't say. you aren't even supposed to know about how he hits me"

"Aria what does he do"

"nothing don't worry about it"

"Aria seriously tell me"

"really i can't. he'll get in a lot of trouble."

"does he ever hit your face?"


"your body"


"does he... um does he ever touch you places"

"mhm" i whisper

"oh my god are you serious"

"can we just go back to the project"

"no. we're talking about this. where does he touch you"

"you're going to tell your friends"

"no i wouldn't trust me"



"okay well when i'm at their house sometimes his kids are at their moms house and my mother is at work. when it's just us he um comes in my room and... well does things to me. he does things and it hurts a lot. i tell him to stop but he never listens until my mother comes home"

"when does he start"

"when she leaves. he does it for a while i don't know why. that's all i can tell you"

"i'm so sorry Aria. you don't deserve that"

"yes i do. i deserve every piece of pain i get. i'm an awful person who's mean to everyone and gets confused why no one wants to be my friend"

"don't say that. now again you're staying here until your mom comes home. is your moms husband better?"

"mhm he's really nice to me. he acts like i'm his real daughter and he tells me he loves me"

"does he know what your other step dad does"

"yeah he's the only other person who knows about my mothers husband hitting me"

"how does he know?"

"he saw a bruise i had on my cheek and he asked. i told him and he was really angry at my other one. i don't know if he told my mom but he promised he wouldn't"

"well that's good. i'm going to go tell my mom your staying okay"

"you don't have to let me stay"

"yes i do. i'd be an awful friend to let you go to a house where you get hurt"

"we're friends?"

"of course"

yeah that was a yikes

i just wanted to add in this chapter some more of Arias life to get you guys understanding of why she's the way she is

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