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L- how the fuck did you get my number

A- its simple you had a paper in your phone

L- i'm an idiot

A- no you're a loser

L- okay anyways what do you want from me

A- i want you to know your limits

L- what limits you make no sense

A- you think you're so cool just because your family's famous

L- but i dont and even if i did why would it matter to you

A- cause i'm supposed to be the coolest girl in the school and you coming here with your famous family makes you the coolest girl

L- so you care about popularity that much

A- yup

L- so you just want to be popular that you won't let me have friends

A- i just said that

L- whatever can't you just leave me alone

A- well can i be honest with you

L- what now

A- i kind of like you

L- okay you make no sense you hate me because my dad makes music yet you like me that doesn't make any sense

A- ha i don't like you i like messing with you

L- but why

A- cause you get so mad so easily it's cute

L- i'm not cute

A- lol i know that trust me see i'm cute you na you getting mad at me is cute well I have to go now bye

L- finally

i roll my eyes and start to get ready for bed

once i finish, i get into my bed and right as i'm about to fall asleep my mom walks in

"hey Lav"

"hi mom"

"can i lay down i want to talk to you"

"of course"

she lays down and i pull her into a hug

"i love you" i whisper

"aw i love you too. now tell me about that girl"

"i don't want to talk about her."

"please i can't help you if you don't talk about her"

"she's just rude. and she got my number from that paper you made me put in my phone"

"oh i'm sorry i just wanted to make sure you were safe and had your number"

"i know and i don't blame you. i just wish she never found it because now she's texting me"

"can i see the texts"

"in the morning. right now i want to sleep"

"okay well have great dreams i love you so much" my mom kisses my forehead and gets out of my bed

"i love you mom"

"i love you too"

she leaves my room and i fall asleep thinking about how at least i have my mom and family that like me

and my dad's fans they love me and they always have since the beginning

it's actually funny

i'm kind of like hannah montana except she had a few fans plus no one knows about her fame

i'm actually the opposite where no one knows about me cause i don't have friends and everyone knows about the "fame"

maybe i'll get the best of both worlds one day

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