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"So Lav how was school?" My mom asks me as we eat dinner

"Absolutely horrible," I say with a groan

What's the point in lying when I know my mom will find out anyways

Even if I said it was good she would start asking questions and it would be a giant mess

"Oh please it couldn't have been that bad"

"No no it was"

"What happened?" Uncle Dani asks

"Well for starters this girl tripped me making me fall right on my butt and now it hurts, then the girl gave me a note and it was really mean. THEN at lunch, I had nowhere to sit because no one would let me sit at their table for some reason. Oh, and I had to walk home... first of all thanks to dad. Second, while I was walking the same exact girl who tormented me that whole day just had to say something to me. So yeah I made no friends and a girl already hates me"

"Aw what's her name"


"Ew she just sounds like a bitch"

"TATE!" My mom yells

"What she does. You know don't let her treat you like shit"

"So what should I do instead, fight her," I say sarcastically


"no lav don't fight her. maybe you should just talk to her"

"I rather not talk to her. anyways she's not important can we talk about something else. do you guys like our house"

"we like it it's nice," Uncle Jonah says

"nice nice"

it gets awkward and I cough

"well I'm going to go um do something bye"

I get up and put my plate away

"wait, Lavender, I have a gift for you," my dad says


"well it's your first ever day of school so we got you a gift, all of us did" he motions to my aunts and uncles and I smile

"Awww best family ever. now what is it"

my dad hands me the gift and I open it

"YES! I NEEDED THIS!" I scream seeing my new phone

see my family has so much money that they literally could get me a new phone every day yet they've been making me use the same one

something about "teaching responsibility" ha yeah sure

I hug everyone and finally get back upstairs

my phone is already set up and I start to explore all of its new features

I go in messages and see I have a new one from a random number

I don't get many messages since I don't have any friends so this is interesting

?- hey loser

L- who are you?

?- Aria

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