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"wait you guys kissed!"

"hey keep it down no one can know"

i just told Analyse about our kiss during homeroom and she's freaking out

"so was it like a peck kiss or a kiss kiss"

"is there a difference? he just grabbed my face and kissed me."

"anything after"

"so he kissed me then he drove towards my house and parked a few houses down and kissed me again but this one was more of just a peck"

"omg that's so cute. so are you two anything"

"na he didn't say anything about it"

"well i think he likes you" she smirks and i blush
i just left school and Aria is coming over to my house for the project

i really don't feel like dealing with her but whatever

"so who was that boy?" she asks

"my friend Noah why"

"you guys seemed close are you guys dating or something"

"no why do you care"

"i was just wondering"

"okay and i wonder something about you. i heard that you went to a lot of schools before this one because you bullied people is that true"

"umm no where did you hear that"

"from Noah. why were you kicked out of so many"

"i was the one who got bullied. once people found out about my moms everyone started being mean."

"oh you have two moms?"

"i did. my mother cheated on my mom with a boy and then they got divorced. then my mom got with that boy and he's now my step-dad. THEN my mother got with my moms ex boyfriend and he's my other step dad. so i have two moms and two step dads. it's confusing and people don't understand so they bullied me."

"so if you've been bullied why do you bully me"

"i don't bully you. on the first day or two i did but i don't anymore. i'm not good with new people"


we get to my house and walk past all my family

"did you ever try and kill yourself?" i ask out of curiosity as we look for stuff for our project

she's sitting at my desk while i'm on my bed

"umm yeah why do you know that"

"i just heard it and i wanted to know if it's true. why?"

"again i was bullied. people were very mean and i couldn't handle it"

"i was told it was because one of your crushes didn't like you back"

"well that was kinda part of it. she was my first girl crush and i told only her about my sexuality. when i asked her out she said no and she outed me. then everyone bullied me and i tried. it didn't work though and everyone told me that they wished it did. that happened at my old school before this one. now at this one i guess i'm the bully but its only because i don't want to be hurt anymore" she says sadly and i notice she's crying

"i'm sorry that happened to you." i say smiling

she wipes her tears and i walk over and hug her

she cries into me and i start to feel bad for her

it's obvious she's been through a lot of pain in her past and that's why she was mean to me for a while

but i understand that it's probably because she wanted to be mean to me first before i could be the mean one

"i'm sorry for crying i'm so stupid" she says pulling away from the hug

"don't be sorry. i understand you're upset and i feel like i understand part of your past."

"thank you" she says looking up at me

we start to look into each other's eyes and i notice how pretty hers are

slowly our faces are moving towards each other and i end up sitting on her lap

"you're beautiful" she says and i smile

"thank you"

"can i kiss you" she whispers and i nod

she leans into me and we begin to kiss

this time i'm not wanting it to stop and i don't know why. she's an amazing kisser and it feels much better than the kiss with Noah

we kiss for a few seconds before i hear my mom coming up

i pull away and sit on my bed bringing her with me

"i'm sorry about that i shouldn't have kissed you again. ugh i'm so stupid" she says putting her head in her hands

"hey don't be sorry. i really enjoyed kissing you it's just i heard my mom so i didn't want her to see anything."

"can i ask you something?" she says

"of course"

"do you um like boys or girls"

"you know i'm not very sure. i really enjoyed kissing you but at the same time i liked kissing Noah"

"oh you kissed him too"

"yeah why"

"no reason. umm are you guys going to date?"

"i don't know. why do you care?"

"i'm just wondering."


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