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It's been two weeks since Greasy Sae stopped coming and I have slow stared to deteriorate my cuts are fine I'm only eating enough to no starve to death but not enough to keep me strong. My cutting habits are become more and more progressively and instead of just doing my upper arm and upper thighs I am doing all over my body. My door has been locked so don't have to worry about anyone walking in on my or anyone checking on the poor pitiful girl next-door. Peeta came over last night around 12:00 said her heard me screaming and I wouldn't doubt it. My daily schedule is wake up move downstairs it in front of the fire go to bed I have a nightmare wake up eat it up to stay alive and cut. At the moment I'm sitting in the rocking chair brother fire in my living room with that scruffy old butter cup in my lap I get tired of sitting in front of the fire so I walk to the kitchen where I keep my razor blades I grab one and sit down on the floor instead of doing my normal patterns I just make straight lines on my wrist eventually My eyes begin to droop so tie up my cuts and lay down on the couch and everything goes black

" Katniss" I hear a familiar voice scream as I walk around in a dark forest.  I have never seen this place before but all of a sudden I hear it again "Katniss" the agonizing screams of a young girl. Not just any young girl....Prim. I take off in a dead sprint towards the sound. After what feels like an eternity of running I am not to the ground by some great force. I scrambled to get up. Once I regain my feet I realize it was in the force that ran into me it was Prim. "Katniss we have to run" she says pulling me into a run. That's when I realize where we are we are on the far side of the woods I have only been to once or twice but prim has never been here. " Prim I know where we are follow me" and that when Prim slowly dissolves. Then I realize that she was never there this is all some kind of illusion. Some sick game. So I keep running towards the tree that holds my bow and 12 arrows. As I am retrieving them I hear another scream "Katniss" but this time it's not Prim. It is the scream that haunts me the most Finnick. Instead of running towards the screen I runaway towards the fence of district 12. Maybe if I get to the fence and out of the wood the Hallucinations of all the dead will dissipate. But that when the screams cut off  only to be replaced by a young girl again but this time it's rue. I'm so concentrated on trying to get out of the woods to get away from whatever kind of attack this is I  don't see the deep hole right in front of me. As I fall into the hole everything goes black.
****end of nightmare ****

When I am sweaty and overall Weak. Im crying now no because I just saw my sister dissolve right in front of me for the second time    no it's because I didn't even try to save her or the others and that's what makes me weak. It's only ten o'clock so I go upstairs and go back to sleep in my own bed. When I wake I'm am startled by the pounding on the door  so I go down stairs and open it Beyond caring about who it is. That when I see Peeta " what do you want Peeta it's three in the morning" he looks me up and down with this horrific look on his face. That when I remember I wore shorts and a short sleeve top to bed which means that all my cuts are very much visible. "Katniss!" He say in a scolding tone "What did you do to your self" He says as he grabs my arm "I gave my self some tattoos what the hell to you think" I say yakking my arm from he grasps "Why are you even here Peeta" "I wanted to talk to you but I that is beside the point are you serious cutting" " I roll my eyes  "Peeta this is all some dream just like Prim being dead" as I say this I start trembling "Peet's just go away this is my life now" I say on the verge of crying "Just please let me let go" and I slam the door in his face ending the conversation.

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