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      As I'm laying in Peeta's lap we just look into each other's eyes I want to see his beautiful eyes and face as I leave this world. I have decided that if i had to choose something to see before I leave the world I would want for it to be Peeta "I know i always had a feeling you did" Peeta says I smile knowing that he will always know and I start to mouth the words I love you and that is when everything goes black

     Death is wonderful. It's so peaceful. It's as easy as breathing. "Katniss!" I hear someone squeal with excitement and as soon as I turn around And Prim throws herself into my arms. I don't know how long we just stood there hugging each other. When prim pulls away I realize I'm not wearing what I was in house then I come to another realization I'm not in my house at all. I'm wearing a white Lacey dress and white flats standing in the most beautiful meadow with a large willow tree in middle. " did you come to take me up on that offer about the sugar cube" before I even think what I'm doing I run towards the sound of fling myself into his arms "Katniss we don't have much time before you go back" he says " You're in surgery your heart stopped about two times but it's OK and you're gonna be waking up soon but I have to tell you something" as he says this I nod my head "Peeta and Heymitch are waiting in the lobby and a little piece of advice for you and loverboy maybe you shouldn't-" and then all of a sudden a door appears on the side of the meadow " it's time for her to go if she doesn't she'll never get to go back" prim says and with that they disappear. I stand there for a second but then the door swings open and there are people behind it I can see them. And there crying so I muster up what willingness I have left to live and walk Thur the door.

**** Peeta's POV***

We got to the got to the hospital an hour ago and they took Katniss into surgery as soon as we got her she just got out and me and Haymich are sitting in her room waiting for her to wake up. "Boy if she doesn't pull Though I don't know what I'm going to do she is the only person I got left besides you" he says and I think he crying I mean who wouldn't be crying we just watched the one girl we both care for (in completely different ways)try to kill her self "Haymich what are we going to do if she does pull through? I mean we can just say with her 24/7 if she truly doesn't want to live then she will find some way to die and there is nothing we can do to stop her" I say then we both start crying because we both know that what I've said is true.

"Why am I still here" I look up to see Katniss trying to get of the wrist restraints they have her because she has been placed on suicide watch I look at Katniss and I hold her wrist so that she stops moving and she looks at me and we just stay that way for some time "Peeta?" She says in a low voice "yes Katniss" I say back just as quiet "I know that you are worried about me and you want to stay by me but I think it would be best if you leave" she says and then closes her eyes. Just as I'm about to protest I remember a promise I made her when we were sixteen

***Victory tour train many years ago***

"Peeta will you stay with me?" She asks with some Emotion I can't identify. Is it possibly love? "Always" as I climb into bed and we just sit there fighting off the nightmares I speak up and say "Katniss?"

"Yes Peeta" she says with the same emotion as earlier

" I will always stay with you as long as you still want me where you are." I say this with my whole heart. And I am surprise when she sits up say:
"Peeta I will always want you"

And with that we go to sleep.


I still think about it every day but as I promise her i would stay in-till I'm am no longer need or wanted and it turns out I'm neither so I stand up and kiss her on the forehead and leave. When I get back to the victors village I got to Katniss's house and clean up the blood and just clean her house thoroughly. After I'm done I leave a note that says I'm sorry and then leave. I open the door to my house and I grab a bottle of liquor and head up to my roof and watch the sun set as I drink the day away and maybe if I get lick my life might be drank away too.

Sry I Ik this is trash please keep reading if you like it tho I want to start a new book after I finish this I will be about if the rebel's lost the war and I hope that what little people I have reading my book will stick around and read that too and I am  super thankful to have all of y'all reading my book thanks and good bye for now ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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