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Disclaimer: the Fairy Tail characters presented in the story aren't my original characters, but Fairy Tail creator Hiro Mashima's work. Thank you!

Natsu's POV:
I'll never forget the moment when my Luce lost her memory. It was one of the most devastating moments of my entire life. To think that all of those moments that her and I have shared together were magically erased from her mind. I cried myself to sleep thinking about it. Our relationship and her memories, were erased just like that. She hardly even remembers who I am anymore. How did this happen, you may ask? Even I don't know the full story of how my Luce lost her memory.

The only thing I can remember from that night was a giant explosion, and Lucy was right in the middle of it. We were on a job in Clover town, helping a farmer named Asahi Lorance. It was a regular Wednesday, and we were trying to capture the animal that had been eating his crops for the past few weeks. His business was suffering because of the lack of crops, and he wanted the animal to be captured and killed. Lucy, Happy, and I were luring the animal into a forest away from the farm with a piece of meat. The next thing I knew, a terrible explosion occurred, knocking Lucy, Happy, and I out senseless. I don't remember much after that. I do remember waking up in a hospital bed the next morning. Erza, Gray, Lisanna, Wendy, Carla, Happy, and Master Makarov were standing near the bed, looking at me with concerned faces. As soon as I showed signs of consciousness, they began smiling and cheering.
"Natsu, you're awake!" Happy cheered. He only had minor injuries.
"Welcome back, Natsu," Erza said.
"Mornin',Flamebrain," Grey remarked.
"Hey guys," I said in a hoarse voice, "What happened?"
"We don't know. All that we've heard that there was a really big explosion in Clover last night," Wendy explained. "You didn't happen to be part of that, did you Mr. Natsu?"
"Where's Lucy?" I asked, changing the subject.
"Down the hall." Lisanna answered. "She's still unconscious, though."
"I need to go see her, NOW." I demanded.
"You still haven't fully healed from your injuries yet, Natsu." Carla said. "You must rest first." My heart was racing. Is my Luce okay? I needed to know if Lucy was okay, and I wouldn't rest until I knew that Lucy was alive and well.
"I need to know if Lucy is okay!" I insisted.
"Very well," Master Makarov . "We'll go check on her. Stay right here and be patient, okay?" I nodded.
"Thank you." I said.

Ezra's POV:
After hearing about the explosion, I immediately became worried about Natsu and Lucy. We're they okay? Now that we all knew that Natsu would pull through just fine, we worried a little less. However, as I walked down the hospital hallway, my heart began to race. Was Lucy alright? We entered the room to find Lucy conscious on her hospital bed. Immediately, our faces lit up. We all ran up to hug Lucy, glad that she was okay.
"I'm glad you're okay, Lucy," Master Makarov said after we broke the hug.
"Aye, sir!" Happy agreed.
"We were all worried about you. Are you feeling alright?" I asked. Lucy looked at us, an extremely confused look on her face.
"Who are you?" she asked. "Where am I?"
"You remember us! I'm your guild master and these are your guild mates. We're all part of Fairy Tail!" Lucy cocked up an eyebrow, still extremely confused.
"What are you guys talking about? What's this 'Fairy Tail' you're talking about? I've heard of it before, but who are you people?"
"You really don't remember us?" Wendy asked. "I'm Wendy Marvell, and this is Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster, Lisanna Strauss, Master Makarov, Carla, and Happy! We're all part of you're guild Fairy Tail!"
"Lucy, if you're joking, please tell us. This is nothing to joke about." Master Makarov said.
"This is entirely the truth. I have no idea who you are." Lucy said. Her words sounded truthful.
"What is you're name?" I asked.
"Lucy Heartfilia."
"Who is your father?"
"Jude Heartfilia."
"Layla Heartfilia."
"What County do you live in?"
"Do you remember what town you live in?"
"Do you remember Fairy Tail?"
"I've heard of it before."
"What type of magic do you use?"
"Celestial magic."
"Do you remember Natsu Dragneel?"
"Do you know who any of us are?"
Everybody's smile faded. Had she really lost her memories of Fairy Tail? Suddenly, a nurse walked into the hospital room with a dejected look on her face.
"Hello, everyone. I have news for you all about Lucy's condition." she said, pausing for a moment. Everyone looked at her fearfully. "Due to a recent accident, she has severe brain damage. Because of this, she has lost some of her recent memory. I'm truly sorry that I didn't tell you sooner." Wendy and Lisanna cupped a hand over their mouths, tears welling up in their eyes. Master Makarov and Gray looked down at the floor, blinking away tears. Happy and Carla tried their hardest not to cry, but the tears began to fall one by one. I tried my best to stay strong. It was extremely hard, but I managed.
"I'm sorry, Lucy. Please excuse us. We will be leaving now. See you around," Master Makarov said calmly, leading us all to the exit. We all exited the hospital room quietly, recovering from what just happened.
"She really doesn't remember us." Wendy said, a tear sliding down her cheek.
"How are we going to put this lightly for Natsu?"
"We'll have to try our best. It will be tough, but we have to tell him somehow," I said.
It hurt knowing that Lucy didn't remember us. After all that we'd been through together, she completely forgot our names. Fairy Tail was her home, and it hurts knowing that she hardly remembers all of the memories made at our guild. However, the most challenging part of this situation is telling Natsu.  Natsu always loved Lucy, and Lucy loved him too. The memories they have made with each other were precious. Who knows what Natsu would do if he found out that their relationship had to be restarted.

Natsu's POV:
I was waiting patiently in my hospital bed, anxious to find out if Lucy was okay or not. I heard footsteps coming down the hall. It was them! I could smell it. The door opened, and everybody entered the hospital room with a crestfallen expression. I sat up, wondering what was going on.
"Natsu,"  Lisanna began.
"No, no, Lisanna. Let me handle this." Master Makarov said.
"What is it, Gramps? Is Lucy okay?"
"Lucy is in fact alive," Master Makarov explained. "But has suffered with severe brain damage and memory loss." Memory loss? No way!
"Does she remember me?" I asked.
"She remembers nothing about Fairy Tail." Master Makarov said, shaking his head. Suddenly, my head began to spin. This can't be happening! After all that we've been through together! All of those memories erased? Would I have to start our relationship over? I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It was all just a dream, right? I'm still unconscious, I thought. I pinched myself as hard as I could, and when I didn't wake up, then I knew that this was indeed the hard, truthful, reality.

This is my very first story! I hope that it gets at least a few reads and votes! If you have critiques or comments about this story, please comment! I'll be publishing a new part every other day if you want to stay tuned!

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