The Monster

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Natsu's POV:
I inched closer and closer to Lucy's face, hoping that I could touch her lips once again. It's been months since the last time we shared a kiss, and I've been dying to do it again.
I could almost feel her lips against mine. My heart was beating out of my chest. I was so excited to share the first kiss with Lucy in what seemed like forever. Suddenly, Lucy put her hands on my shoulders and pushed me away. I looked into her brown eyes, confused at what had just happened.
"Natsu, I cant," Lucy said, sitting up. Tears welled up in my eyes.
"I've only known you for a month or so. I don't know what relationship I had with you before, but I haven't developed feelings for you yet."
"Can you at least try to remember our relationship?" I asked, a bit frustrated.
"I wish it were that easy." Lucy said. "But ever since I lost my memory, everything's back to square one. I'm sorry, but whatever you think of me as, I don't think of you as yet." It took me a minute to realize that Lucy was right. She can't change the past. Her memory has been lost, and I just had to accept that. I swallowed hard and stood up.
"I'm sorry," I said. "But I need some alone time right now." I turned my heel and walked out into the woods.
"Natsu, wait!" Lucy called. Ignoring her voice, I continued to walk deeper into the forest. I needed time to think and process this. Although I've had about a month to do so, it was still extremely hard to process that Lucy's memory was not coming back no matter how bad I wanted it too.
I continued to walk farther and farther into the forest until I reached a blue creek. I crouched down beside it and tossed a flat rock in. It skipped about two times before it sunk to the bottom. I sighed and fell on my back, looking up at the cloudy, blue sky. It was oddly windy, and the clouds were moving fast across the sky. I closed my eyes as the breeze brushed across my face. After relaxing for a moment, I sat up, gathered a handful of water, and splashed it on my face. I needed to clear my mind and relax. All of the problems relating to Lucy were stressing me out, and I really needed to calm down for a minute. I crossed my legs and closed my eyes, trying to clear my mind and relieve the stress.
"What am I doing?" I asked myself aloud, opening my eyes. "This is stupid. Meditating isn't really my thing." I got up and looked around. This island sure is bigger than it looks. I looked up at the sky again and noticed a cloud that looked similar to Lucy. I smiled, then frowned.
"Dang it, Lucy!" I yelled, angrily tossing a rock in the water. "Why did you have to lose your memory!?" Suddenly, I heard the leaves rustle on the bush behind me. I whipped my head around to see what was going on.
"Nani?" I said. "Who's there?" A figure emerged from the bush. I prepared a fireball and got into a fighting stance.
"Who are you?" I said.
"I see you are stressed out about something." The figure said.
"So? Was this ever your business?" I snapped.
"Actually, it was my business." The figure said, stepping out of the shadows. I gasped.
"I'm Asahi Lorance, the farmer who gave you the job offer." Asahi said, smiling.
"W-wait, why are you on Tenrou Island?"
"I wanted to give you your prize for completing the job I wanted you to complete."
"I don't recall ever finishing that." I replied, cocking an eyebrow. "The whole explosion things kinda ruined that."
"Actually, it's more of a negotiation than a prize." Asahi said. "I am willing to give you one million jewel." My eyes widened. One million jewel?
"However, I must have something in return." Asahi finished.
"Nani?" I cocked an eyebrow again.
"Hand over Lucy Heartfilia and I'll give you your million jewel." My heart skipped a beat.
"Lucy Heartfilia?" I said, my voice lowering to a dark, scary tone. Asahi nodded, flashing a devilish grin.
"I will have to turn down that offer." I said. Asahi sighed and brushed his spiky, jet black hair back with his fingers.
"You wish to defy me, eh?" He asked.
"I wouldn't give up Lucy for the entire world," I said.
"You should learn your place, boy." Asahi raised his voice. "NOBODY DEFIES THE GREAT ASAHI LORANCE!!" His body began to light up. The power of the light became so bright, I couldn't see. I closed my eyes, my head stinging from the power of the light. Once the light vanished, I opened my eyes to see Asahi dresses in strong, shining armor. I sensed much more magic power radiating from him than I did before. I glanced into his blood red eyes. The eyes of a monster.
"You will soon learn your place, boy." Asahi said in a booming voice. "I summon thee, Earthquake!" I gasped. What was going on? Who was this? Under the body of Asahi Lorance is a true monster. This monster is hungry, and Lucy, Happy, and I are his main course.

Lucy's POV:
I was walking back to camp alone that afternoon. I couldn't help but think about Natsu and how heartbroken he was. That look in his eyes made my heart hurt. I know it must've been hard for him to hear those words come out of my mouth. I can only imagine what it felt like. I'm truly sorry, Natsu. I wish things were different.
Suddenly, a blue cat jumped out from the bush. Startled, I jumped back and prepared to Lucy kick something.
"Relax Lucy. It's me."
"Oh, Happy." I sighed with relief. "Where have you been?"
"Fishing at a creek I found." Happy answered, holding up a bucket filled with fresh fish. "Where's Natsu?"
"He went off on his own. He was really upset and needed some alone time." I said. "I don't know exactly where he is, though."
"Oh, okay." Happy said. "He knows where camp is. Let's go." As Happy and I continued, the ground began to shake.
"What the heck?!" I said.
"Is this an earthquake?" Happy suggested. Suddenly, a scream pierced through the sky, rattling my eardrums. My eyes widened. Natsu?

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